ex-col jumping headings fix

When hover (or focus) on an ex/col heading, a bottom border is added that causes the text below it to shift down slightly.

I put the following temporary hack in <http://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/preliminary>

.f_panelHead {
     border-bottom: solid #fffaf5;
.f_panelHead.fs_hover, .f_panelHead.fs_focus {
     border-bottom: solid #993300;
.f_panelHead.fs_selected {
     border-bottom: solid #993300;

This is not ideal because some of the headings are #993300 but some are black and it would be good for the bottom border to match.

Also, in those headings, the bottom of the descenders is slightly cut off. I didn't mess with that.

I'll not work on it anymore now and hope it can get on someone's list to do a proper fix to the css. :-)


Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 18:07:29 UTC