Editing suggestions for BAD (Before and After Demonstration)


Here are my editorial changes for "BAD." Please don't take the time 
to comment on each one. Since they're small changes and shouldn't 
take long, hopefully, they can be addressed before Oct. 11.

A.  You might want to be sure to change both the copyright date and 
the "last updated" date(s) throughout.  I've not noted them below.

I imagine this will be done, as a matter of course, but I noticed it 
says "copyright 2010," and the page uris have 2009 in them, so they 
may need to change.

B.  Maybe this idea was vetoed, or I thought about but never said it 
-- would it be possible to change all of the page-titles so it'd 
show, in them, whether you were on accessible or inaccessible?  It'd 
make it easier when alt-tabbing among pages. Maybe I'm missing it.

Maybe the idea was vetoed because it'd be too obvious for people if 
they were being tested?

C. Some of the information looks like it may repeat, and I can't 
promise to catch all duplications.

1. http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/

1.1. "Browsing through the inaccessible Demo pages using different 
browser configurations or [JS: change assisistive to assistive] 
technologies (such as"

1.2.  "It communicates the [JS: change problemes to problems] to managers"

2.  http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/before/home/
Some of this also looks like it appears on:

2.1.  I'm not quite sure what this means.  Instead of "that," do you 
mean "saying?" Or should it be "that says"?

"This logo is followed by a black banner that 'CITYLIGHTS' which is the name"

2.2. "follows in a turqoise green handwriting"

I believe it's turquoise.

I'm not a color expert, but maybe it'd be better to pick which color 
it is. Wikipedia says, in part:

"Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a"

2.3. "slant [JS: change accross to across] the top banner"

3. http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/after/home/annotations

3.1. "Note 04: Image with 'null' text [JS: change alterantive to alternative]"

3.2.  This image is displayed for decorative purposes only, and thus 
has [JS: add an] empty (null) text alternative

3.3. "The news items are presented using CSS rather [JS: add than] 
table layout."

3.4. "Links have a [JS: change distintive to distinctive] appearance 
using color and non-color cues (underline)."

3.5. "The decorative list bullet is displayed using CSS rather than 
the img element with [JS: add an] empty (null) text alternative."

4. http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/before/news/annotations

  	4.1.  "The spacing between the two main columns of text is too little."

Suggest rewording to:
The two main columns of text need more space between them.

5. http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/before/tickets/annotations

5.1. "Tables headings are indicated by the colored background but 
have not been marked up sematically using the th element. Also, the 
table title has not been
associeted with the table."

Three items in the above:
-- Should it be Table headings, rather than Tables headings?
-- "have not been marked up sematically" Should be semantically.
--associeted Should be associated.

5.2. "and text is hard to read due to full-justifaction," Should be 

6. http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/after/survey/annotations

6.1. "Form [JS: change instructuions to instructions] are provided, 
especially with respect to required fields."

6.2. "The sequence of labels and input fields are organized to make 
sense and input fields are associated with their labels using the 
label element."

I think it should be "The sequence of . . . is organized to..."

7.  http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/after/template/annotations

7.1. "The page layout is organized using CSS rather than table 
element, which helps maintain a reading order that matches the visual 

I'm not sure what is meant. Should it be "the table element?" "a 
table element?" Or "table elements?"

7.2. No need to answer, but are the skip links visible, in some way, 
for those who may need to see them? If so, that may be worth 
mentioning in the annotations. I'm a fan of visible skip links (if we 
must have them), especially to make them visible for those who need 
them, even if they're not visible all the time.

I know this point isn't editorial, and it's absolutely NOT a 
show-stopper. I imagine it was fully discussed within the group.

7.3. "Note 04: Image with [JS: change succint to succinct] text alternative"

NOTE:  I didn't review the reports, specifically; I imagine they were 
compiled via a lot of copy & paste from other pages that'd been reviewed.

I hope these comments are helpful.


Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 20:58:20 UTC