EOWG comments on How People With Disabilities Use the Web

[CC: eo-editors list]

Hi Shadi,

Here is the distilled info from Friday’s EOWG telecom along with my suggestions. (Note that I have added information to each point, and include the link to the minutes so one can see what is direct from the meeting versus my additional input.) Feel free to do what you think best with all of them. No need to reply to me. Some might need reply to EOWG, depending how you handle them. I'm happy to help coordinate that.

As we discussed last week, I’d like most issues addressed before we announce the WBS to EOWG folks. I wonder if we (well, you ;-) can get all but the browsing page title done then we can open the WBS with just that one open issue?

I. Overview page:

1. change tip text to: "There are additional supporting materials available on the Web, such as _videos of how people with disabilities use web_." (consider lowercase since not exact title, or if leave capitalized, then also capitalize “Videos”) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action09]

2. consider adding at the bottom a pointer to Better Web Browsing (more below)

3. consider adding at the bottom a note about using this info for developing personas (more below)

4. if you decide to do all 3, maybe put a <p class=”listintro”>Notes: [or See also: or Tips:]</p><ul class=”listafterpul”>... with each of above a bullet

II. http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/2009/browsing

1. change page title to Different Ways People Use the Web [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action01]

Since this won’t work, here is a suggestion: put brackets around the title that is there now and let’s give EOWG the WBS while we work more on it. Then we can talk more about it on this week’s telecon.

2. first sentence: leave to Editor's discretion based on comments in e-mail thread [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action02]

SLH suggests: "This page introduces some of the techniques and tools that people with disabilities use to interact with the Web, such as browser settings, text-to-speech, voice recognition, and many more."

3. in the introduction, point to BWB doc <http://www.w3.org/WAI/users/browsing> - and also consider putting in the Overview [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action05]

SLH suggests: “For instructions on how to customize your particular web browser and computer setup, see _ Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing Your Computer_."

III. Stories of Web Users

1. Consider mentioning personas in intro, although carefully since not everyone know what they are. Maybe something along the lines of: "If you develop <a href=" http://www.uiaccess.com/accessucd/personas.html">personas</a>, you can use this information to help develop them, per <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/about/usingWAImaterial">Using WAI Material</a>." [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action10] Or maybe this would go better on the overview page, since really the other sub-pages are relevant to developing personas. The reason that EOWG wanted something was so that if a persona developer landed on this resource, we want them to know they are in a place that will help them. /me thinks EOWG would be OK to save this for later version when we add a section on how to use this resource.

2. The action recorded was: "Consider adding employment to Ms. Martinez http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/2009/scenarios#onlinestudent"; however, I don’t think you ought to do it.

One person thought the people in the stories weren’t employed enough, and although PWDs have high unemployment rate, thought it would be good to combat myth the PWDs aren’t productive members of society. When I went through each, he understood there were more employed than he thought.

I think you can handle this as editor’s discretion, but would be good to reply to the action. Here is a draft reply for you:


Of the 8 stories, 4 have clear employment, 2 are children, and 2 are unspecified, as listed below. In order to not emphasis employment, I prefer not to add employment to Ms. Martinez.

Employment clear:
* Mr. Jones, Reporter with repetitive stress injury – employment in title & first paragraph
* Ms. Laitinen, Accountant with blindness – employment in title & first paragraph
* Mr. Sands, Supermarket assistant with Down syndrome – employment in title & first paragraph
* Mr. Yunus, Retiree with low vision, hand tremor, and mild short-term memory loss – "retiree" (in title & first paragraph) implies previous employment

Employment not relevant:
* Ms. Olsen, Classroom student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia – child so employment not appropriate
* Ms. Kaseem, Teenager with deaf-blindness – teenager so employment less relevant

Employment not stated:
* Mr. Lee, Online shopper with color blindness – employment not mentioned
* Ms. Martinez, Online student who is hard of hearing – employment not mentioned


IV. Later:

* consider adding to Overview page tips on how to use this resource in different situations, e.g., education, developing personas, ...

* outreach & SEO to get usability/UX/UCD people to know of this resource for developing personas -- Shawn, add to http://www.uiaccess.com/accessucd/personas.html a link to HowPWDsUseWeb and maybe comment on http://www.steptwo.com.au/papers/kmc_personas/index.html. (link only "personas") [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/25-eo-minutes.html#action07]


Received on Monday, 28 March 2011 15:38:33 UTC