Updates to the Policies Relating to Web Accessibility

WRT:  http://www.w3.org/WAI/Policy/USA-States.html#Massachusetts 

Responding per your directions:

Country:  USA
Title of document in primary language(s):  Enterprise Information
Technology Accessibility Standards, Version 1.0
Link to document in primary language(s):
Title of document in Engish [SIC] and other language(s):  n/a
Link to document in Engish [SIC] and other language(s):  n/a
Clearly indicate if this is a new listing, or which current listing it
revises:  Web Accessibility Standards Version 1.0, May 1, 2000

The year the document was published and revised:  June 10, 2008
Section to list the document (Legislation, Responsible
Ministry/Jurisdiction/Responsible Department or Agency; Relevant
documents (for official government documents), or Additional information
(for other documents):  Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Information
Technology Division
A very brief summary of the document and the relevant sections on Web
accessibility, in English.  <q>The standards provide minimum
requirements to ensure that Massachusetts information technology
solutions are available and accessible to people with disabilities.</q>
The updates formatted in HTML. The basic format is: [PrimaryLanguage]
Title of document in PrimaryLanguage, 2000 (Title of document in
English):  I do not understand this direction.

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 14:57:15 UTC