Proposed accessibility legislation in Ontario

Dear madam/sir,


The Ontario provincial government is proposing legislation about accessibility on the web, amongst other media.  Information is here:  This is still in the committee stage, and I cannot tell how long the process will take to turn this into legislation and then have it passed in the provincial parliament.  Likewise, I don't know if you would post information that is at this stage, although I think it would be useful to do so.


While I'm at it, there are problems with French characters on this page:  One should us utf for the language encoding to capture all French characters, although the ones that aren't displaying correctly are included in ISO-8859-1.  The correct characters, using html entities, are:


*   Handicapées

*   Ministère


Kind regards,


Ed Brandon


Canadian Public Health Association

Association canadienne de santé publique

400-1565 Carling Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8R1

+1.613.725-3769 ext 165


Received on Thursday, 8 January 2009 16:31:31 UTC