WAI-ARIA FAQ comments

Lisa Pappas
accessibility analyst
RMD - SQ - Process & Research

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Pappas
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 10:00 AM
To: 'Sharron Rush'
Cc: 'Shawn Henry'
Subject: RE: WAI-ARIA FAQ -

Hi, Sharron,

The FAQ is coming along nicely; good work. I concur with Justin's philosophy on FAQs.

Here are a few comments (sorry that I didn't get them to you sooner):

Question 2: Javascript[sic] and initiative[sic] are misspelled.

Question 3, regarding the sentence:

A number of ARIA techniques have already been released, have been implemented in open source JavaScript toolkits, and are increasingly supported by browsers and assistive technologies.

Consider this revision:
A number of open source JavaScript toolkits already implement ARIA techniques, and support by browsers and assistive technologies is increasing.

Note the typo: ARIa

>From the call, I agree that splitting 3 into 2 questions, where the second is "as a developer, what can I do with WAI ARIA now."

Question 4: Browsers that support ARIA techniques allow access
...Is "allow" correct? It implies permission, so I recommend enable, because the browsers make access possible. (This was a distinction we've used in tech editing for clear translations). Also, could we rephrase the consecutive "There is" questions for a more active expression?

Question 5: Love the answer. Should we rephrase the question:
To what types of widgets does WAI ARIA apply? (so it doesn't end in a preposition)

Question 7: In the sentence:
        A web developer is looking for specific widgets functions within
        existing JavaScript toolkits, and needs his or her web  application...

Do you mean "widgets' functions" or "widgets or functions"? The adjacent nouns read funny to me (technical, eh?).

The comma between "toolkits" and "and" is not needed because the phrase that follows is not an independent clause (grammar librarian).
Question 8: Consider rephrasing the sentence:

Including ARIA support adds another layer of complexity, but is itself no more difficult than the basic task of successful widget programming.

The second clause is missing a subject. Please consider this rephrasing:

Developing cross-browser, custom JavaScript widgets is a complex undertaking and not one for a beginning web developer. While including ARIA support does add a layer of complexity, the task of implementing ARIA is itself no more difficult than that of successful widget programming.

Question 9: ARIA-enabled widgets (ARIA-enabled is a compound adjective, both words together modify widgets, so it's hyphenated)

Question 11: Here's what I have now, but the title of the primer(s) is definitely not set (*):

WAI ARIA Roadmap
WAI ARIA Primer for Client Layer*
WAI ARIA Primer for Mid-Tier Layer*
WAI ARIA Roles, States, and Properties Specification
WAI ARIA Best Practices Guide

What's missing?!? I'm thinking something about the client level versus middle level (Rich gets this), because the client level is pretty baked, but the middle level (XForms, XHTML bits) are emerging -- so devs can work NOW at client level, and it won't break. I think that's the notion, though not described well at all.

Hope this helps!

-----Original Message-----
From: w3c-wai-eo-request@w3.org [mailto:w3c-wai-eo-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Sharron Rush
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: WAI-ARIA FAQ -

Hey Justin,

Thanks for these good comments, very helpful.  here is the new doc...I thought I had sent it earlier but this worked out since it gave me a chance incorporate your philosophy, excellent!

See (hear) everyone in the morning!


At 12:54 PM 11/29/2007, Justin Thorp wrote:

>Few comments...
>*My general FAQ philosophy*
>When I read a FAQ, I expect that in the first sentence or two of the
>answer  I'll get the answer to the question.  Because people scan so
>much when they read online, I wouldn't expect that people would read
>much more than a sentence or two anyhow.
>So when i read questions like... 2. What is WAI-ARIA intended to do?
>In the answer i'd be looking for it to say... WAI-ARIA is intended to
>[fill in the blank].
>*3. Is WAI-ARIA available and supported now?*
>What does this (the first paragraph) have to do with wether WAI-ARIA is
>available or supported now?
>"ARIA is being developed under the W3C Process, more thoroughly
>discussed elsewhere. The process is ongoing and is intended to reflect
>the diverse needs of a broad community, including industry, disability
>organizations, accessibility researchers, government, and others
>interested in Web accessibility."
>Are we really asking what is the status of WAI-ARIA?  Maybe this
>question would help from being multiple questions.
>Justin Thorp
>US Library of Congress
>Web Services - Office of Strategic Initiatives e - juth@loc.gov p -
> >>> Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org> 11/28/2007 6:57 PM >>>
>* http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/ARIA/faq.html
>An updated version and specific questions for EOWG will be available
>before the teleconference.

Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 15:04:30 UTC