WAI-ARIA FAQ [was Re: Prep for Friday...]

> I think we may want to get everyone to review these questions.  We asked 
> them to do that online but have not had any response.  The reason is 
> that I hesitate to spend time in review and revision of the content and 
> then decide that this is not the content we want in the first place.

Good idea.

> The issue is whather these are the right questions for the FAQ, what 
> questions might be more useful, what we have left out, and what the 
> focus of this document is in terms of what it gives people (remember we 
> said our primary audience consisted of Content developers and 
> presenters) and where it sends them next.
> If that makes sense to you, perhaps send out the questions and/or the 
> FAQ link with those considerations in mind.

Could you take another pass at the wording and order of these according to your perspective of what would be best. Perhaps also note if you have any specific questions for EOWG to reply to. Also, I think it'd be best to make it much shorter -- perhaps that's something we can ask EOWG.

I put a couple of quick comments below.

*Then would you please send the revised question list and FAQ doc to the EOWG list yourself* (since I'm not sure how much chance I'll have to sneak away to the computer :).

> 1.What is WAI-ARIA?

I think delete this one. According to http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-aria-docs#approach we are assuming that everyone has ready the Overview, which answers this question. Then the first question will be the one below, which will clearly point to the Overview in case they haven't read it.

> 2.Where should I start to learn more about WAI-ARIA?

I think you want to make the answer to this one more broad. "... and can help HTML developers understand ARIA, its purpose, and how it relates to HTML and HTML development." makes it sound like it's only for HTML developers, and that's not true.

> 3.What is ARIA intended to do?

I think this should be answered by the Overview.

> 4.What is the "widget" that ARIA documents refer to?
> 5.What does ARIA offer to improve the accessibility of interactive 
> elements?

should "interactive elements" be changed to "widgets"?

> 6. What are some examples of how to use ARIA?

maybe instead something like, How do Web developers use WAI-ARIA?

> 7.Is ARIA available now?

Keep this question! Please edit the answer asap! It needs to clarify the state of WAI-ARIA in the W3C process. See http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/wcag2faq#done

> 8.Does using ARIA make web authoring much more complex?
> 9.Does ARIA break web pages on current browsers?

try rewording to be positive, something along the lines of: How does WAI-ARIA work with current browsers?

> 10.Does ARIA need implementation in all popular browsers?

munge with #9

> 11.Who supports ARIA?

perhaps change "who" to Which browsers and assistive technologies support WAI-ARIA.

per the discussion at the f2f, please draft an answer that says several do and we'll be compiling a list soon

> 12.Isn't ARIA expensive to implement in browsers?

Hum, this one doesn't seem like it will resonate with more of the audience...

> 13.Does ARIA significantly increase the amount of widget code?

Merge with #8 ?

> 14.Is there a JavaScript toolkit which provides ARIA support for free?

change wording -- I think "for free" here means "without additional work" however, that would probably be a problem with translations

> 15.What are basic custom widgets and how are they supported by ARIA?

hum... probably delete from this list.

> 16. What are advanced custom widgets?

hum... probably delete from this list.

> 17.# Can ARIA be used with other kinds of markup?

hum... probably delete from this list.

> 18.What's the state of ARIA standardization?

merge with #7 and leave near the top!

> 19.Where can I learn more about ARIA?

At the face-to-face, Michael Cooper said we did not want link to Aaron's FAQ. Please delete this question (and answer).

> 20.Where can I ask more questions about ARIA?

fyi, see the last 2 questions of the WCAG 2 FAQ at http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/wcag2faq#more


I suggest adding like "When should I start using WAI-ARIA?" See http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/wcag2faq#start

Note that in all questions it should be "WAI-ARIA" -- see new info at http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-aria-docs#notes


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 18:21:41 UTC