[wbs] response to 'EOWG Call for Review: Using Combined Expertise to Evaluate Web Accessibility'

Here are the answers submitted to 'EOWG Call for Review: Using Combined
Expertise to Evaluate Web Accessibility' (Education and Outreach Working
Group) for Shawn Henry.

Using Combined Expertise to Evaluate Web Accessibility

 * ( ) I accept this version of the document as is
 * (x) I accept this version of the document, and suggest changes below
 * ( ) I accept this version of the document only with the changes below
 * ( ) I do not accept this version of the document because of the
comments below
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

Comments on the document, formatted as described above.

Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Intro
current wording: "References to related evaluation resources are mentioned
throughout this document. Most of these resources can be found in this
resource suite, Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility."
suggested revision: delete paragraph

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Recommended Expertise
current wording: "Effective evaluation of Web accessibility requires more
than simply running an evaluation tool over a Web site."
suggested revision: over>on "... running an evaluation tool on a Web

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Recommended Expertise
current wording: "The following list includes recommended expertise across
a variety of areas, and provides links to initial resources, listed at the
end of this document, which may be useful in learning more about those
suggested revision: "The following list includes recommended expertise
across several areas, and links to resources listed at the end of this
document that provide guidance in those areas."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Recommended Expertise
current wording: "Comprehensive and effective evaluations require
evaluators with an understanding of Web technologies, evaluation tools,
barriers that people with disabilities experience, assistive technologies
and approaches that people with disabilities use, and accessibility
guidelines and techniques."
suggested revision: add CAN here: "...barriers that people with
disabilities can experience..."
rationale: if the site is accessible, people don't experience barriers

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Recommended Expertise
current wording: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Techniques 
suggested revision: add acronym: "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG) and Techniques 
rationale: acronym more recognizable to people who know it

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Recommended Expertise
current wording: "Disability barriers and assistive technologies and
adaptive strategies"
suggested revision: commas "Disability barriers, assistive technologies,
and adaptive strategies"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Approaches for Collaborative Evaluation
current wording: "When first conducting a Web accessibility evaluation,
the initial approach in many organizations is to assign the task to an
individual within the organization, or to outsource it. However,"
suggested revision: delete

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Approaches for Collaborative Evaluation
current wording: "This approach can allow an organization to draw from
different in-house expertise, while relying on outside experts where
suggested revision: "This approach allows an organization to use in-house
expertise as well as outside experts where needed."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Approaches for Collaborative Evaluation
current wording: "a group of colleagues, distributed within a larger
organization; for instance, Web developers working together across
different units of a large corporation"
suggested revision: remove comma, across>from: "a group of colleagues
distributed within a larger organization; for instance, Web developers
working together from different units of a large corporation"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Approaches for Collaborative Evaluation
current wording: "a group of individuals distributed across related
organizations such as government agencies, each with the obligation to
monitor accessibility of their own Web site, but who choose to combine
their diverse expertise & perspectives to create higher quality
suggested revision: "a group of individuals distributed across related
organizations, such as government agencies, who combine their diverse
expertise and perspectives for higher quality evaluations"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Considerations in Combining Expertise
current wording: "Centralized vs. distributed evaluation capability"
suggested revision: vs.>versus: "Centralized versus distributed evaluation

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Considerations in Combining Expertise
current wording: "Once gaps in internal expertise are clear, an
organization can prioritize its needs for external expertise."
suggested revision: edit first part of sentence
rationale: seems like you have to wait until "gaps in internal expertise
are clear". in reality, if you don't know much about it, it is best to
hire espertise to help you figure out what the gaps are

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: "The internal gaps are often in areas of knowledge specific to
disability and/or accessibility;" & "Inclusion of people with disabilities
in a collaborative group can contribute to development of a better
understanding of accessibility issues within the organization, and/or to
maintaining awareness"
current wording: "...and/or..."
suggested revision: delete "/or" so it is just: "and"
rationale: "and/or" not necessary, "and" simplier

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: "disability advocates from different organizations who
collaborate in online fora to monitor accessibility of public and/or
private Web sites"
current wording: "...and/or..."
suggested revision: delete "and/" so it is just: "or"
rationale: "and/or" not necessary, "or" simplier.. actually, really don't
see reason to even specifify public or private, could just say: "monitor
accessibility of Web sites"

priority: [editor's discretion]
current wording: "In addition, even organizations with established user
testing processes may need guidance on how to get feedback from users with
suggested revision: user>usability, get feedback from>include: "In
addition, even organizations with established usability testing processes
may need guidance on how to include users with disabilities." 

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Involving users in evaluation
current wording: "Involving users in evaluation"
suggested revision: "Involving users in evaluation throughout development"
rationale: important issue to help combat -- that you just do eval at the
end, esp. important for including PWDs effectively

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Involving users in evaluation
current wording: "Inclusion of people with disabilities in a collaborative
group can contribute to development of a better understanding of
accessibility issues ..."
suggested revision: delete "development of": "Inclusion of people with
disabilities in a collaborative group can contribute to a better
understanding of accessibility issues ..."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Involving users in evaluation
current wording: "Inclusion of people with disabilities in a collaborative
group can contribute to development of a better understanding of
accessibility issues within the organization, and/or to maintaining
awareness of the urgency of addressing accessibility barriers on a site,
in addition to their individual technical contributions to the
suggested revision: break into 2 sentences, with the "in addition to their
individual technical contributions to the evaluation." idea separate

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Involving users in evaluation
current wording: "Regardless of the collective expertise of a
collaborative group of evaluators in conducting conformance evaluations,
an organization may want to ensure periodic review by users with a variety
of disabilities. "
suggested revision: delete

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Communicating results
current wording: "Collaborative teams may want to give particular
attention to communicating the results of their evaluations to their
customers clearly, since their reports represent the combined perspectives
of different evaluators. "
suggested revision: delete or clarify
rationale: dont knwo what the point of this section is

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Getting and giving feedback
current wording: "Feedback from experienced groups of evaluators on
evaluation resources such as W3C/WAI's Evaluating Web Sites for
suggested revision: add "resource suite" so it is: "... Evaluating Web
Sites for Accessibility resource suite"
rationale: so when you say "resource suite" in next sentence they know
what you're talking about

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Appendix
suggested revision: move "Validation tools for Web technologies" down with
other eval tools

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: footer
current wording: <p><strong>Version:</strong> <strong>DRAFT</strong>
$Date: 2006/03/13 04:04:22 $ <strong>[<a
suggested revision: <p><strong>Version: <a
href="@@changelog">2.0</a></strong> Up-to-date as of March 2006<br/>
OR if don't want to have version number:
<p><strong>Content last updated: <a href="@@changelog">15 March
rationale: new format

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: footer
current wording: <p>Editor: Judy Brewer. Contributors: <a
href="../../EOWG-Members.html"><acronym title="Education and Outreach
Working Group">P</acronym>articipants</a>
of <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/"><acronym title="Education and
Outreach Working Group">EOWG</acronym></a>.
Created with support from&nbsp;<a
href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/TIES/">WAI-TIES</a>, a
project of the European Commission <acronym title="Information Society
Technologies">IST</acronym> Programme. [<a
suggested revision: Editor: Judy Brewer, and the Education and Outreach
Working Group (<a href="/WAI/EO/">EOWG</a>). Developed with support from
<a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/TIES/"><acronym title="Web Accessibility
Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education,
Support">WAI-TIES</acronym></a>, a project of the European Commission
<acronym title="Information Society Technologies">IST</acronym>
rationale: new format

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: footer
current wording: "File (not content) last updated on $Date: 2006/02/03
23:06:01 $ by $Author: jbrewer $"
suggested revision: delete
rationale: new format

These answers were last modified on 16 March 2006 at 05:53:35 U.T.C.
by Shawn Henry

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/expertise-2006/ until 2006-03-18.


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Received on Thursday, 16 March 2006 05:55:04 UTC