Business Benefits of Accessible Web Design Comments

W3C members,

Thank you for the work you have performed on this draft of the Business
Benefits of Accessible Web Design.  Justifying the costs involved is vitally
important in motivating corporations to adopt accessibility as a best
practice.  On behalf of SSB Technologies, I hope that the comments included
in this email will help to be a part of extending this message.

Overall, I think the current document is a very good start.  My primary
feedback is that "less is more".  More than anything else, this document
needs a high-level "Executive Summary".  The goal for this would be a
one-page document (that could be easily printed, handed out at meetings,
slipped on a CTO's desk, etc.) that summarizes the business case and can be
understood in about 30 seconds.

This is necessary because one has a very short period of time to attract
people's attention (especially IT managers).  We have often been told by our
prospective clients (SSB provides web accessibility solutions to
corporations) that we need to summarize our proposal in one page because
that is all their boss will read.

The current introduction provides a good start to an executive summary.  It
should also contain a summary of the different benefits (ie - Increase
Market Share and Audience Reach, Improve Efficiency, Demonstrate Social
Responsibility, and Reduce Legal Liability).  Putting these in a table with
a short description is one effective way to do this.

Such an Executive Summary can then link to the rest of the information so
that if anyone has detailed questions they can find the answers.  Overall,
creating a single page with the high-level summary will help to make the
message accessible and usable to the target audience.

SSB Technologies is also working to create such a document that will be
available soon.  We will be happy to provide it to the working group when it
is ready.

Following my own advice, I will limit my comments to this single point so
that I do not dilute the message.  Again, SSB Technologies appreciates the
opportunity to respond and participate in the process.  Please let me know
if I can be of more help.  Best regards,


Chris Jones
SSB Technologies
(415) 975-8011

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 21:25:47 UTC