- From: Bede McCall <bede@mitre.org>
- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 21:16:52 -0400 (EDT)
- To: w3c-xml-sig-ws@w3.org
In light off the discussion about the legalities of signatures, RDF and onscreen data presentation, I'd like to draw attention to a very large area of appications where the signature binding an assertion to an object is not like signing a legal agreement (e.g., a mortgage) where the rules and meanings attached to signing are reasonably well-defined in advance. In last week's workshop, I believe the presentation closest to this area was by AND Communications, although an operator of a PICS Label Bureau would be in a similar situation. In government and military applications, these applications are most closely related to "intelligence" operations; but as we all know, every business makes extensive use of intelligence, and services like AltaVista, Yahoo! Lexis/Nexus and others are essentially commercial intelligence agencies. In "intelligence" applications, it is always assumed that the signer of an assertion (RDF, PICS label, ...) is aware of what's being signed and the semantics of the signature are contained in the assertion itself. There will also be external rules and legalities defining the implicit semantics of the act of signing, but the signature itself is being applied to a unique (set of) statement(s) that make the semantics of the signature explicit. The signature and the statements necessarily go together. Because government/military intelligence agencies support a well-defined and widely understood model for "intelligence" gathering and handling, I'll use that in my example, with the understanding that their model translates easily to the sort of intelligence work that, for example, corporate marketing departments or prospective stock investors (should) do. Military intelligence data, particularly so-called "open source" information, comes in many forms: images, audio recordings, text, video, etc. Very little of this information is delivered to intelligence analysts as HTML or XML, although it may be packaged or "wrapped" in HTML or XML by the intelligence-gathering machinery. As a result, an analyst wishing to make assertions about these resources will have to do so in one or more seperate (and probably signed) documents. For example: SPOOKS.GOV says "http://spooks.gov/pix/satellite_img_45.jpg is classified as TOP SECRET." JOHN Q. ANALYST says "http://spooks.gov/pix/satellite_img_45.jpg is a picture of an Iraqi SCUD missile site 3 miles North of Baghdad. The picture was taken on April 1, 1991 by the SKYSPY VFX-1 satellite . . . blah, blah" As shown in the first document, some intelligence information and the resource to which it refers has a classification (e.g., "TOP SECRET"). A classification label is a simple assertion about the original resource and, sometimes, about some assertions made about it (e.g., the fact that the "SKYSPY VFX-1" satellite flew over Iraq on April 1, 1991 might be classified). The meaning of a security classification label is static and well-defined by external rules, so the semantics of SPOOKS.GOV's signature on the label probably don't need to be explained. In contrast, the semantics of the analyst's signature on the second document example are found only in the assertion itself. In particular, with the exception of the simple "By signing, I assert that 'X' is true" (where 'X' is the statement "http://spooks...") the signature binds the assertion 'X' to a resource, and 'X' defines the semantics of this binding. Any implicit semantics of the signature(s) on the second assertion are the result of agency rules being applied to JOHN Q. ANALYST's act of signing, but not to the assertion 'X' he personally made by signing. For example, the SPOOKS.GOV agency might require that, in order to make assertions about any "TOP SECRET" resource, an analyst must possess a "TOP SECRET" security clearance, and from this plus the fact that the document containing the statement came from the SPOOKS.GOV server, we might conclude that JOHN Q. has this clearance. Hence, there is a large class of applications for "intelligence" where it will be required that assertions (presumably in RDF) be embedded in the signature block itself rather than reside in an external resource, because the semantics of the signature will be otherwise undefined. Clearly, this doesn't imply that every signature block will need to include RDF statements to explain semantics --- only that there are broad circumstances where such statements will in fact be required by the application. On the other hand, I suspect it may always be necessary to refer to the set of semantic definitions that apply to a particular signature via a pointer, 'P'. This amounts to something similar to the boilerplate "By signing this document I, the undersigned, state that I understand and agree to all the terms and definitions described in 'P' and ...". -- Bede McCall <bede@mitre.org> MITRE Corporation Tel: (781) 271-2839 202 Burlington Road FAX: (781) 271-2423 Bedford, Massachusetts 01730-1420
Received on Monday, 19 April 1999 21:16:56 UTC