Re: Mr. Vincent's position paper

Hello all,

Naturally, UWI.Com is in agreement with the views expressed by Mr. Vincent
since these views were the ones that guided the creation of UFDL, the
non-XML predecessor of XFDL that existed before there was an XML.  Joseph,
do you think it is possible to include Mr. Vincent's position paper on the
signed XML web site?

It should be noted that Mr. Vincent's position has substantial backing
within the legal community.  As far as I know, Cohasset is the leading legal
authority on the admissibility of documents into a court of law.  You can
read a paper they've put together on this issue using  For those who want to remain as
pure as possible, be forewarned that we like this article because it has a
nice blurb at the end which talks about XFDL being an enabling technology
for legal filings, most of the paper is not really about UWI.Com so much as
it is about the types of issues that Mr. Vincent raises and that should be
addressed by a signed XML standard.

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company

Received on Monday, 12 April 1999 14:41:50 UTC