Re: ALT content question

Al wrote:
> They are both inappropriate.  The ALT text should be
> 	W3C Projects Status


> The anchor content should advise you what is at the far end of the
> link.  

Shouldn't the TITLE attribute convey the information about the
destination of a link ?

I'd rather separate the meaning of the image from the meaning of its
application in a particular context using different attributes.

  <IMG SRC="w3clogo.png" ALT="W3C logo">
is one thing
  <A HREF="" TITLE="W3C Projects Status">
     <IMG SRC="w3clogo.png" ALT="W3C logo">

(TITLE is now a core attributes in Cougar but was in A since day one)
> If this image were not the content of a link, but used to frame
> the signature section of the page, the ALT text is better "W3C"
> and not "W3C logo" if the browser is Lynx.  In Netscape with the
> graphics turned off, I might prefer "W3C logo."  In speech, ...?

You realize of course that it's better not to depend on a particular
browser, but could explain why one is better in one context.

Received on Monday, 9 June 1997 09:56:42 UTC