- From: Gregg Vanderheiden <po@trace.wisc.edu>
- Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 22:29:17 -0500
- To: "'Al Gilman'" <asgilman@access.digex.net>, WAI Working Group <w3c-wai-wg@w3.org>
- Cc: Paul Coelho <pcoelho@u.washington.edu>
Hi Al, I would suggest we work from either a functional viewpoint or from a preferences viewpoint and not from a disability etiology. That is that the client say "cannot view graphics" or "prefer that you send text only" or "prefer that you send - text only - or voice enabled applets and not that the client send "blind" or "low vision" the former has much more application beyond disability - and will extend to hand held and nomadic devices. The latter doesn't really help much anyway since people who are blind can have very different skills and different browser / reader capabilities. I'll be short - but if what I'm saying isn't clear. Drop me a line. Thanks Gregg -- ------------------------------ Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. Professor - Human Factors Dept of Ind. Engr. - U of Wis. Director - Trace R & D Center gv@trace.wisc.edu http://trace.wisc.edu FAX 608/262-8848 For a list of our listserves send "lists" to listproc@trace.wisc.edu -----Original Message----- From: Al Gilman [SMTP:asgilman@access.digex.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 1997 11:38 AM To: WAI Working Group Cc: Paul Coelho Subject: Re: Ability taxonomy bh Recently there was a rough consensus on the list in favor of special-need descriptors being sent from client to server as part of format negotiation. I think that we should make "the taxonomy of abilities and special needs" that these message attributes employ a development item, and that we should try to rope the doctors mentioned below into this task. Paul has contributed on this point on the dev-access mailing list. -- Al Gilman ----- Forwarded message from P. Coelco ----- From: "P. Coelco" <pcoelho@u.washington.edu> To: Al Gilman <asgilman@access.digex.net> Subject: Re: Ability taxonomy Al, Sure. Thank you for considering me. Dennis Anson may also be interested (dennis@u.washington.edu). pcc On Wed, 21 May 1997, Al Gilman wrote: > Paul, > > In the Web Access Initiative the idea has come up for some > special-need identifiers that would be useful in characterizing > how web sites should serve this particular client. > > This is an issue where I think you have something to contribute > based on your posts to dev-access. > > May I mention your name to the Intiative people as someone > they should talk to to help them set up their working reference > taxonomy of abilities and special needs? > > -- > Al Gilman > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Paul C. Coelho, MD Resident Physician (R2) University of Washington Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine pcoelho@u.washington.edu coelho.paul@seattle.va.gov pcoelho@pcoelho.deskmail.washington.edu Physiatry Forum : http://weber.u.washington.edu/~pcoelho/netforum/physiatryforum/a.cgi/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ----- End of forwarded message from P. Coelco -----
Received on Monday, 26 May 1997 23:30:38 UTC