Re: Rewording suggestion for UAAG2 GL1.1 SCs

Hi all,

My original proposal is here:

AND Greg L. gave some nice comments on the survey: 

AND it's probably a good idea to take into account the comments Anastasia and I submitted that are recorded in the table: 

AND, I should also say that I want to minimize changes to wording in the document: 

So I have updated the proposals following Greg's comments:


CURRENT: 1.1.1 Render Alternative Content: For any content element, the user can choose to render any types of recognized alternative content that are present. (Level A)
- Note: It is recommended that the user agent allow the user to choose whether the alternative content replaces or supplements the original content element.

PROPOSED: 1.1.1 Render Alternative Content: The user can choose to render any type of recognized alternative content that are present for a content element. (Level A)
- Note: It is recommended that the user agent allow the user to choose whether the alternative content replaces or supplements the original content element.

JR: This is Greg's wording from the survey (+"recognized"). 

1.1.X Indicate Unrendered Alternative Content: The user can specify that indicators be displayed with rendered content when recognized unrendered alternative content is present. (Level A)

JR: Works along with 1.1.1 to enable the unrendered alternative content to be rendered. Added Greg's "with" and, yes, I think this allows "(d) elements with alternative content " to be removed from 1.3.1.


CURRENT: 1.1.2 Replace Non-Text Content: The user can have all recognized non-text content replaced by alternative content, placeholders, or both. (Level A)
- Note: At level A, the user agent can specify that an alternative content or placeholder replace the non-text content. At level AA success criterion 1.1.3 requires that the user can specify one format or placeholder to be used. At level AAA success criterion 1.1.5 requires that the user can specify a cascade order of types of alternative content to be used.

PROPOSED: 1.1.2 Non-Text Content Placeholder: The user can request a placeholder incorporating recognized text alternative content instead of recognized non-text content, until explicit user request to load the non-text content. (Level A)

JR: Note is removed since I think the SC relationships are now more clear.


CURRENT: 1.1.3 Configurable Alternative Content Defaults: For each type of content that can have alternative content, the user can specify a type of alternative content that, if present, will be rendered by default. (Level AA)

PROPOSED: 1.1.3 Configurable Alternative Content Defaults: For each type of non-text content, including time-based media, the user can specify which type(s) of alternative content to render by default, if present. (Level AA)
Note: Some types of content may allow multiple simultaneous alternatives (e.g. captions and sign language).

JR: A try at making this more clear.


CURRENT: 1.1.4 Display of Alternative Content for Time-Based Media: For recognized on-screen alternative content for time-based media (e.g. captions, sign language video), the following are all true: (Level AA)
- Don't obscure primary media: The user can specify that displaying time-based media alternatives doesn't obscure the primary time-based media; and
- Don't obscure controls: The user can specify that the displaying time-based media alternatives doesn't obscure recognized controls for the primary time-based media; and
- Use configurable text: The user can configure recognized text within time-based media alternatives (e.g. captions) in conformance with 1.4.1.
- Note: Depending on the screen area available, the display of the primary time-based media may need to be reduced in size to meet this requirement.

PROPOSED REWORDING: 1.1.4 Display of Alternative Content for Time-Based Media: For recognized on-screen alternative content for time-based media (e.g. captions, sign language video), the following are all true: (Level AA)
- Don't obscure controls: Displaying time-based media alternatives doesn't obscure recognized controls for the primary time-based media; and
- Don't obscure primary media: The user can specify that displaying time-based media alternatives doesn't obscure the primary time-based media; and
- Use configurable text: The user can configure recognized text within time-based media alternatives (e.g. captions) in conformance with 1.4.1.
- Note: Depending on the screen area available, the display of the primary time-based media may need to be reduced in size to meet this requirement.

JR: Switched the order of the requirements and removed "user specify" clause from the obscure controls requirement. Question: Does "not obscuring" the primary media mean its ok to use a transparent background for captions?


CURRENT: 1.1.5 Default Rendering of Alternative Content (Enhanced): For each type of non-text content, the user can specify the cascade order in which to render different types of alternative content when preferred types are not present. (Level AAA)


JR: It would likely be a complex and confusing UI to set a cascade. Better to just be able to pick from what's available if the preferred is not offered...which is what 1.1.1 and 1.1.X enable.


CURRENT: 1.1.6 Size and Position of Time-Based Media Alternatives: The user can configure recognized alternative content for time-based media (e.g. captions, sign language video) as follows: (Level AAA)
- The user can resize alternative content for time-based media up to the size of the user agent's viewport.
- The user can reposition alternative content for time-based media to at least above, below, to the right, to the left, and overlapping the primary time-based media.
- Note 1: Depending on the screen area available, the display of the primary time-based media may need to be reduced in size or hidden to meet this requirement.
- Note 2: Implementation may involve displaying alternative content for time-based media in a separate viewport, but this is not required.

PROPOSED REWORDING@: 1.1.6 Size and Position of Time-Based Media Alternatives: The user can configure recognized alternative content for time-based media (e.g. captions, sign language video) as follows: (Level AAA)
- The user can resize alternative content for time-based media up to the size of the user agent's viewport.
- The user can reposition alternative content for time-based media to at least @TWO OF THE FOLLOWING: above, below, to the right, to the left, and overlapping the primary time-based media.
- Note 1: Depending on the screen area available, the display of the primary time-based media may need to be reduced in size or hidden to meet this requirement.
- Note 2: Implementation may involve displaying alternative content for time-based media in a separate viewport, but this is not required.

JR: This gets around the fact that left and right positioning is tricky for languages like English.



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