Initial thoughts on IndieUI

I said I would take an initial look at the IndieUI documents -- just now 
getting to it.

Looked at IndieUI use cases and requirements document
and the events document
In general I think these look  good -- the explanations of why this is 
needed are nice and clear

I think we should reference this in the Modality Independence Principle 
section of UAAG. We can add this to the end of the paragraph:

For information on modality independent events see IndieUI: Events 1.0 

1. Are there any focus issues IndieUI needs to address, and if so does 
it address them adequately? In the real world sometimes a user's point 
of regard or focus can change in a surprising way for the user (this 
causes havoc with speech input and keyboard only users).
2. Does IndieUI need to address toggle issues, and if so does it address 
them adequately? We need to make sure the user can explicitly switch to 
a state no matter what the current state.
3.  I'm not sure if there's a good IndieUI answer for this issue, but 
it's worth thinking about. As important as having modality independent 
controls available is not having the presence of existing standard 
controls interfere with or hold back the user (a common example of this 
today is single key shortcuts,  a special issue with speech input 
because speech uses strings of letters for commands). Maybe the best way 
to articulate this issue is a metaphor: It's nice to be able to play 
your own music, but it is difficult to enjoy this at its full potential 
if you can't turn the standard radio station off.



Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc.
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
Twitter: RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 22:03:52 UTC