1.1.x slight more complicated

Needs abit more careful readingas the tabs seem to get screwed up

1.1.x Replace Non-Text Content: The user can have all recognized
non-text content replaced by alternative content, placeholders, or both.

Test 0002 Assertion: alternative content and/or placeholders can replace
non-text content

Precondition p2: There is a means for a user to select that non-text
content be replaced by alternative content, placeholders, or both.

SET user_preferences // Predicated on p2
	alternative_content not obscure primary time-based media
	alternative_content not obscure primary time-based media controls
	alternative_content configured // see SC 1.4.1.

return user_selection{Content|Placeholder}

FOR all content_elements
	IF content_element is non-text AND user_selection == alternatives //
Predicated on p2
		CASE user_selection
			Content	:		render alternative_content based on user_preferences
							CALL Test 0001
							// DO NOT BREAK
			Placeholder:	render placeholder based on user_preferences
							IF placeholder chosen THEN
								render white box at content_element.position RANGE
								render indicator that white box is a placeholder


PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster
response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper
My Business Card   - http://simon.harper.name/about/card/
Schedule a Meeting - http://doodle.com/simon.harper.name

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 13:00:06 UTC