ACTION-747: rework the 2.8 toolbar proposal

ACTION-747: (mark and Jaime) to rework the 2.8 toolbar proposal


2.8.1 Configure Position: The user can add, remove, and reorder any
toolbars and similar containers, and the items within them. (Level AA)

2.8.2 Restore Default Toolbars: The user can restore the default
toolbar, panel, or inspector configuration. (Level AAA)

Proposed by Greg in

2.8.1 Configure Toolbars: The user can add, remove, reorder, show, and
hide any _toolbars and similar containers_, and the items within them.
(Level AA)

2.8.2 Reset Toolbar Configuration: The user can restore all _toolbars
and similar containers_ to their default configuration. (Level AAA)

Glossary entry for _Toolbars and similar containers_:

A collection of commonly used controls presented in a region that can be
configured or navigated separately from other regions. Such containers
may be docked or free-floating, permanent or transient, integral to the
application or add-ons. Variations are often called toolbars, palettes,
panels, or inspectors.

Mark proposes the following for 2.8.1, accepting Greg's proposal for the rest:

2.8.1 Configure Toolbars: The user can add, remove, reorder, and reposition any toolbars and similar containers of controls, as well as the items contained within them, in the user agent's user interface. (Level AA)

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2012 16:58:05 UTC