Changes to UAAG2 2.4.5 Advanced Find

(1) For all of the SCs in 2.4, change "Find" to "Text Search"

(2) Splitting out searching alternates (building on what was discussed earlier):

2.4.5 Search in alternative content: The user can perform text searches within textual alternative content (e.g. 
*text alternatives for non-text content*, captions) even when the textual alternative content is not rendered onscreen.

Authors frequently provide alternative content to meet web content accessibility guidelines, which users with disabilities will experience as part of the content. The purpose of this success criteria is to ensure that find functionality allows users to locate this content, even if it may not be visible rendered.

- Ronda typically browses the web with images turned off so she sees the alternative text for images rendered in place of images. She visits a favorite web site on a friend's computer and knows she wants to find a link to her favorite artist's photo gallery. On her computer this is the artist's name so she searches for that word on her friend's computer. The alt text is not displayed in this case but the artist's image is highlighted because her find command has associated the alt text with the image.

(3) 2.4.X Text Search (Enhanced): The user can specify that a text search will be:
(a) case-sensitive; and
(b) whole word only.

Intent: Many users make use of text search to reduce the number of keystrokes required to reach a known location within web content. The number of unintended search results can be reduced by allowing the user to specify that capitalization of the search term and whether the term is a whole word.

- Dennis uses a screen reader. He wants to find all the instances of his friend Bill in a blog post about finances. He needs to specify case and that the search term is a "whole word" in order to avoid stopping at instances of "bill" or "Billing ...". Later, he searches for his friend's name in a blog post about poetry where the author never uses capital letters. In this instance he specifies that case does not matter.


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Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2012 20:03:34 UTC