new Web API proposal - needs accessibility review

The W3C Web Apps working group is publishing 7 first public working 
drafts shortly (within the next few weeks) for new APIs.  I thought it 
would be advantageous to look at them and start commenting on 
accessibility before they increase in maturity - since we usually don't 
look at other specs until Last Call. I was chatting about these specs 
with Michael Cooper (PF staff contact) and he did not know of available 
resources in PF to review them this early.

These two seemed closely related to UAAG 2.0 and of interest to members 
of the group. Please let me know if you are interested and have some 
time to review these Editor's drafts.  If you want to wait until the 
FPWD is published, that is fine, too.

2. Pointer Lock;
short-name = pointerlock
1-liner = "Defines an API that provides scripted access to raw mouse
movement data while locking the target of mouse events to a single
element and removing the cursor from view"

3. Shadow DOM;
short-name = shadow-dom
1-liner = "Describes a method of establishing and maintaining functional
boundaries between DOM subtrees and how these subtrees interact with
each other within a document tree"

Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 16:37:03 UTC