Re: UAWG Action 727 - Write glossary item for top-level viewport

Take two...trying to work in the comments from last week:

VIEW: A user interface function that lets users interact with web content. UAAG 2.0 recognizes a variety of approaches to presenting the content in a view, such as:
- rendered views: Views in which content is presented such that it is rendered, played or executed. There are several sub-types: 
 + In conventionally rendered views the content is rendered, played or executed according to the web content technology specification. This is the default view of most user agents.
+ In unconventionally rendered views the content is rendered quite differently than specified in the technology specification (e.g., rendering an audio file as a graphical wavefront); or
- source views: Views in which the web content is presented without being rendered, played or executed. The source view may be plain text (i.e., "View Source") or it may include some other organization (e.g., presenting the markup in a tree).
- outline views: Views in which only a subset of the rendered content is presented, usually composed of labels or placeholders for important structural elements. The important structural elements will depend on the web content technology, but may include headings, table captions, and content sections.
Note: Views can be visual, audio, or tactile.

The part of an onscreen view that the user agent is currently presenting onscreen to the user, such that the user can attend to any part of it without further action (e.g. scrolling). There may be multiple viewports on to the same view (e.g. when a split-screen is used to present the top and bottom of a document simultaneously) and viewports may be nested (e.g. a scrolling frame located within a larger document). When the viewport is smaller in extent than the content it is presenting, user agents typically provide mechanisms to bring the occluded content into the viewport (e.g., scrollbars). 


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Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 16:52:05 UTC