Fwd: User Style Sheets and How to Use

Wayne could not send directly to the list, so I am forwarding his message.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: User Style Sheets and How to Use
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 15:19:46 -0700
From: Wayne Dick <wayneedick@gmail.com>
Reply-To: wed@csulb.edu
To: Jeanne Spellman <jeanne@w3.org>, Jim Allan <jimallan@tsbvi.edu>

Dear UAWG,

Here are my style sheets.  I was rejected by the public list so I'm
sending this through Jeanne and Jim..  Included is the URL of my style
sheet page for your group.

It contains a few style sheets.  2 are complete: PlasmaTemp.css and
html.css.  There are nameI.css versions of everything that set every
command to !important.

The incomplete files are building blocks: reset, elements and CSS3.  I
build other style sheets based on these blocks.  "reset" sets the page
style to HTML defaults.  "elements: sets custom element styles.  CSS3
adds some good new CSS 3 properties.

There are many things to notice: 1. These are my styles. Each person
needs their individual access to typography.  As you see I require
contrast < 4.5:1.  For me 3:1 or 3.5:1 are better.  I can stand 4:1
for a while, but I could never finish a book at that contrast ratio.

The site is:

My blog is at http://blog.knowbility.org
My blogs are "Nose to the Page 1-4".  1 is a polemic about PDF.  2 is
about myths.  3 discusses useful technique.. good examples. 4 talks
about how Visual Readers with Low Vision were left out of WCAG 2.0,
and how, as a result, we have less legal protection than we had before
WCAG 2.0 passed.  You see, officially, we no longer have a problem.
Laine Feingeld believes we cannot file a suite because WCAG WG
declared use satisfied by existing technology.  We are worse off than
in 1980.


Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 13:27:30 UTC