Guideline 2.7

OK so I'm chomping my way through 2.7 - here sc 2.7.1 for your perusal...

2.7.1(former 4.7.7) Discover navigation and activation keystrokes: 
Direct navigation and activation keystrokes are discoverable both 
programmatically and via perceivable labels. (Level A)
*Intent of Success Criterion 2.7.1(former 4.7.7) :*
This is sometimes known as mouse-less browsing. Some users have problems 
controlling the mouse and/or the keyboard. Therefore users often find 
control buy speech recognition to be advantageous. In this case it is 
much more efficient for navigation and activation selection points to be 
both viewable by the user and controllable by their assistive technology.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.7.1(former 4.7.7) :*
Mary cannot use the mouse or keyboard due to a repetitive strain injury, 
instead she uses voice control technology. Because the hyperlinks are 
not presented with their direct navigation **key combination**s, Mary 
has to say the work 'tab' 12 times to get to her desired hyperlink. If 
each link had been presented with its **direct navigation key 
combination Mary could have just said 'select link 12'.*
*Related Resources for Success Criterion 2.7.1(former 4.7.7)
Mouseless Browsing Firefox Extension:

Perceivable navigation and activation keys:


Simon Harper
University of Manchester (UK)


Received on Friday, 11 March 2011 09:14:42 UTC