HTML5 Sanity Check - before it goes to the Wiki

Hi there,
I wonder if we have time today to discuss my comments before I wiki them?

3.2.3 Global attributes
accesskey - By only allowing an accessskey for be one unicode character 
we remove the possibly of sequenced entry such as Alt+F S for file save.
Also should we have a Web Key (think Windows or Apple key) which give 
focus to accesskeys first before chrome?

Class - looks OK

contenteditable - Does, contenteditable equal to true, mean that the 
content/UA now needs to conform to ATAG?

contextmenu - typo 'by the invoking the'; Does the 'show' event modify 
the DOM (cannot find a definition) - if not how will AT 'see' contextmenu?

dir - looks OK

draggable - looks OK

dropzone - looks OK

hidden - '— if something is marked hidden, it is hidden from all 
presentations, including, for instance, screen readers.' Do we need the 
ability to see ahidden presentation if the user so wishes?

id - looks OK

lang - looks OK

spellcheck - looks OK

style - looks OK

tabindex - looks OK but 'an element that is only focusable because of 
its tabindex attribute will fire a click event in response to a 
non-mouse activation (e.g. hitting the "enter" key while the element is 
focused' - seems right but thoughts?

title - 'If this attribute is omitted from an element, then it implies 
that the title attribute of the nearest ancestor HTML element with a 
title attribute set is also relevant to this element. Setting the 
attribute overrides this, explicitly stating that the advisory 
information of any ancestors is not relevant to this element. Setting 
the attribute to the empty string indicates that the element has no 
advisory information.' Do we need to say the nearest ancestor HTML 
element with a title attribute set is automatically used as the uaag 
repair default?


Simon Harper

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2011 15:09:27 UTC