Proposal for 2.8.1 & 2.8.1

2.8.1 (former 4.8.1) Configure Position: : When graphical user agent
user interfaces have toolbars, the user can add, remove and configure
the position of user agent user interface controls on those toolbars
from a pre-defined set of controls. (Level AAA)

 Intent of Success Criterion 2.8.1 (former 4.8.1) :

The objective of this criteria is to allow the user to customize the
toolbars of a user agent in ways that work best for the method in
which he or she is using the browser. This can reduce keystrokes,
bring buttons into view that are hidden by default or otherwise allow
the user to interact with the user agent in a more efficient fashion.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.8.1 (former 4.8.1) :

Martin accesses the computer by pressing keys with a stick held in his
mouth known as a mouthstick and gets around the user agent with taps
on the tab and arrow keys. The designers of a user agent have decided
to place a button for printing a web page as the last button on a
toolbar.  This button requires six presses of a right arrow key to
reach for Carl and is the only button he uses on the toolbar. Using a
preferences dialog, Carl is able to configure this toolbar to only
show the Print button, reducing the number of presses he must issue
with his mouthstick to one.

Related Resources for Success Criterion 2.8.1 (former 4.8.1) :


2.8.2 (former 4.8.2) Restore Default Toolbars: : The user can restore
the default toolbar configuration. (Level AAA)

Intent of Success Criterion 2.8.2 (former 4.8.2) :

The objective of this success criteria is to ensure that users have a
mechanism to get back to a known state with user agent toolbars.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.8.2 (former 4.8.2) :

Sarah uses a screen magnifier and has learned that a button for adding
web pages as bookmarks is in the upper right corner of the screen.  A
friend made changes to Sarah's browser and now Sarah is unable to find
her Bookmark button.  She goes into a preferences dialog and uses an
option to restore browser toolbars to default and can once again find
her Bookmark button.

Related Resources for Success Criterion 2.8.2 (former 4.8.2) :


Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator & Webmaster

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756

voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264

"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2011 16:46:50 UTC