Proposed keyboard, focus, and navigation restructuring

As most of you know, Kim and I have for some time been working on analyzing and restructuring all the SC related to keyboard, focus, and navigation. (Glossary changes have already been completed and incorporated.) We've put our proposal on the UAWG Wiki, at,_Focus,_and_Navigation_Restructuring. It starts with a high-level outline, then a detailed outline calling out changes, a list of major changes (unfortunately incomplete at this point), and finally the proposed text itself; at every level, comments in square brackets explain the changes; these comments would not go into the final document.

Feel free to insert your own comments, ideally using the format agreed on during the call, which would look like <<username YYYY-MM-DD: text>>, e.g. <<Julio 2011-04-07: This is a sample comment>>. You can also raise and reply to issues on the Discussion page, accessed on the discussion tab at the top of the page.


Received on Monday, 11 April 2011 19:37:40 UTC