RE: Details for UAWG writer's meeting

If anyone who wasn't at yesterday's meeting decides to join today, please note that we are starting 30 minutes later.

Times for today will be:

Time:  12:30pm -  6pm Boston
         5:30pm - 11pm London
         9:30am -  3pm Seattle


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Kelly Ford
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 9:44 AM
To: Jeanne Spellman; UAWG
Subject: RE: Details for UAWG writer's meeting

This is happening if anyone else wants to join.  Phone into the standard conference bridge and we are all present.

The code is 82941#.

We are also on IRC on the standard #ua channel.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jeanne Spellman
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 8:55 AM
Subject: Details for UAWG writer's meeting

The UAWG is holding an informal meeting of members who wish to draft proposals for the Implementing UAAG 2.0 document. We will be writing sections on Principle 1 & 2 and finishing missing success criteria in sections 3 & 4.

All members are invited to participate as much or as little as their time allows.  There will be video conferencing from MIT and Microsoft, or dial-in from any location. We will be using IRC to share text samples of work. Minutes will be casual, but will be recorded and public.


Date:   2 & 3 August 2010
Time:  12pm -  6pm Boston
         5pm - 11pm London
         9am -  3pm Seattle

There will be video conferencing set up at MIT (Boston) and Microsoft

Zakim audio bridge set up for both days:
Audio Conference Code: UAWG1 [82941]
Zakim Bridge (+1 617.761.6200, conference code: UAWG1 [82941]). For UK use +44.203.318.0479. For FR use +

IRC: server:, port: 6665, channel: #ua

Contact Jeanne if you want to connect by video and I will send the video connection info.  (I do not want to post it to a public list.)


Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2010 15:25:03 UTC