Action Item: HTML 5 User interaction

Below are comments on HTML 5: User interaction. Note that we talked 
about some of these already on the conference call:


*7.1 The hidden attribute*
It's important to give users the ability to discover and navigate 
content when authoring tools are used incorrectly. The hidden attribute 
is a good example.

*Excerpt: "The **hidden **attribute must not be used to hide content 
that could legitimately be shown in another presentation, for example..." *

On occasion it will be, however, and full accessibility means the user 
needs some way to override this in order to deal with incorrectly 
rendered pages.

*7.3 Scrolling elements into view*
In a perfect world there'd be a way for the user to override automatic 
Automatic scrolling can make the cursor jump in ways that causes the 
user to go through extra steps to get back to what he was doing. This is 
a special hardship for some users. This is another example of allowing 
for full accessibility by giving the user a way to override 
inappropriate design.

*7.4.3 document-level focus APIs
*The user needs some way to override/hold off focus changes.
User macros including speech commands execute over time. Unwanted focus 
switches can produce bad results.
In addition, speech users don't necessarily change the focus by moving 
the mouse -- this makes them more likely to get caught with bad focus 
changes. This is a third example of allowing for full accessibility by 
giving the user a way to override inappropriate design.

*7.7 The content editable attribute

Move the carrot

    *Excerpt: ... "this could be triggered as the default action of
    keydown events with various key identifiers and as the default
    action of Mousedown events *

It's important to provide a way to do everything through the keyboard -- 
this seems like an either/or. (For speech users, selecting text using 
keyboard commands is easier, requires fewer steps and is more precise 
than selecting text using mouse commands.)

*Select and move non-editable elements nested inside editing hosts

    *Excerpt: UAs should offer a way for the user to move images and
    other non-editable parts around the content within an editing host.
    This may be done using the drag and drop mechanism.*

All drag and drop needs to be accessible using key navigation and 
cut-and-paste. (For speech users, drag-and-drop using key navigation and 
cut paste is less prone to mistakes and fewer steps than using mouse 
commands. )

*7.9 Drag and drop*
Again, needs to be accessible using key navigation and cut-and-paste. 
It's also important to have undo enabled for drag-and-drop.*

    *Excerpt: On a visual medium with a pointing device...*
    *On media without a pointing device...*

Even if media has pointing device needs keyboard option

*7.10 Undo History*
(This should include drag and drop)


Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc., makers of Utter Command
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Patch on Speech <> blog
Redstart Systems <> on Twitter

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2009 13:07:20 UTC