Minutes UAWG 18 June 2009


Summary of Action Items
ACTION: JA to rewrite 4.5.6 group, individual and total reset [recorded in
ACTION: JS to update document with new text for 4.5.4: 4.5.4 Portable
Profiles: The user can transfer preference settings across locations onto a
compatible system. (Level AAA) [recorded in
ACTION: KF to draw up proposal for tracking Browser accessibility comparison
features. [recorded in


    Jeanne, kford, sharper, AllanJ, Kim, Greg
    JAN, Henny, Jan, Mark


    * Topics
         1. Logistics (Regrets, agenda requests, comments)?
         2. User Agent Accessibility Status - Kelly
         3. review 5/28 Meeting survey (no need to answer again) -
    * Summary of Action Items



<trackbot> Date: 18 June 2009

<KFord> Chair_ Jim_Allan

<KFord> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/36791/20090527/

<KFord> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/36791/20090602/

<KFord> working draft in July

rrsgent, set logs public
Logistics (Regrets, agenda requests, comments)?

KF: how do we document current status of UA accessibility

GL: suggest wikipedia browser features page

<Greg> I suggest posting feature lists on
User Agent Accessibility Status - Kelly

GL: reviewing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_browsers

KF: already gathering this type of information for another project...
... send to the list, and discuss further
... keep this informal
... 1. get some data 2. proper representation WAI

GL: could add columns to wikipedia page for additional accessibility items

<sharper> SH: Intersection of UA / OS / AT and AJAX is at

<jeanne> ACTION: KF to draw up proposal for tracking Browser accessibility
comparison features. [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-199 - Draw up proposal for tracking Browser
accessibility comparison features. [on Kelly Ford - due 2009-06-25].

<KFord> Looks like some good info from Simon.

KP: need numbered links for speech browsing - very important
... wikipedia page is very important - getting information out to folks

KF: should this be a requirement for all UA?

GL: reccomendation (?) because it is so useful for mouse-impaired

KF: requirement vs recommendation

JS: level A, AA, AAA

KF: where does it fit

GL: how to determine difference between A, AA, AAA
... what is rigor for each.
... ISO - requirement - very important and feasible for browsers to
implement otherwise it is recommendation
... also consider downsides, problems for other disability types, etc
... what is UAWG criteria

JS: defined in WCAG, have been using that


SH: Adobe AIR - is it a user agent?
... looks like an application front end for specific web applications

GL: same category as perl or C# runtime. platform to build other
... may use web facilities. it is software that provides user agent

issue: UA definition - Adobe AIR, Google Gears, UA behavior, stand alone web
app that may or may not actually connect to the web. Is an html rendering
tool that never goes on the web a user agent.

<trackbot> Created ISSUE-37 - UA definition - Adobe AIR, Google Gears, UA
behavior, stand alone web app that may or may not actually connect to the
web. Is an html rendering tool that never goes on the web a user agent. ;
please complete additional details at
http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/issues/37/edit .

<Greg> I suggest we define UA as software that accesses resources over the
World Wide Web and/or uses W3C technologies.
review 5/28 Meeting survey (no need to answer again) -



4.5.4 Portable Profiles: Provide capability to use preference settings
across locations on a compatible system. (Level AAA)

GL: concern that preferences are not shared between location
... "transfer settings" seems more clear

4.5.4 Portable Profiles: Provide capability to transfer preference settings
across locations on a compatible system. (Level AAA)

4.5.4 Portable Profiles: Provide capability to transfer preference settings
across locations onto a compatible system. (Level AAA)

4.5.4 Portable Profiles: The user has the ability to transfer preference
settings across locations onto a compatible system. (Level AAA)

Resolution: 4.5.4 Portable Profiles: The user can transfer preference
settings across locations onto a compatible system. (Level AAA)

<jeanne> ACTION: JS to update document with new text for 4.5.4: 4.5.4
Portable Profiles: The user can transfer preference settings across
locations onto a compatible system. (Level AAA) [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-200 - Update document with new text for 4.5.4:
4.5.4 Portable Profiles: The user can transfer preference settings across
locations onto a compatible system. (Level AAA) [on Jeanne Spellman - due

<scribe> <new>

4.5.6 Restore to default. The user can restore preference settings to their
default values. (Level A)

GL: Add "NOTE: Allowing the user to reset groups of related preference
settings to their default values (e.g. reset keyboard shortcuts, reset
colors and sizes of rendered content, etc.) is more valuable than merely
providing the ability to reset all preference settings together, because
some users will be unable to use the product without a few specific custom
... Add "NOTE: The user must not be required to know or enter the default
... Add "4.5.x Restore defaults outside the UI: The user can adjust
preference settings from outside the user agent user interface. NOTE: This
allows the user to configure a product that would be inaccessible in its
default state. EXAMPLE 1: A user agent ships with a separate utility for
resetting or loading user preference settings. EXAMPLE 2: Holding down a
modifier keys or specifying a...
... command-line switch when starting the user agent could force it to use
the default settings, or previously used and known-good settings, or a
specified user profile."

4.5.6 Restore to default. The user can restore preference settings to
default values. (Level A)

NOTE: Allowing the user to reset groups of related preference settings to
their default values (e.g. reset keyboard shortcuts, reset colors and sizes
of rendered content, etc.) is more valuable than merely providing the
ability to reset all preference settings together, because some users will
be unable to use the product without a few specific custom settings.

The user must not be required to know or enter the default value.

4.5.6 Restore to default. The user can restore preference settings to
default values. (Level A)

NOTE 1: Allowing the user to reset groups of related preference settings to
default values (e.g. reset keyboard shortcuts, reset colors and sizes of
rendered content, etc.) is more valuable than merely providing the ability
to reset all preference settings together, because some users will be unable
to use the product without a few specific custom settings.

Note 2: The user must not be required to know or enter the default value.

GL: do UA's have this feature. how important is this?

KP: important in training. Important for suers

JA: important, settings are complex, how to get back to base.

GL: pwd will always need some customization, reset groups

KF: how do we define groups.

GL: groups, recommendation...not rigorously testable.

JS: must be testable if in success criteria

KP: with speech, need to get back to know default, as away to move forward,
when trying to add an interface on top of another

JA: if default state is all boxes unchecked, then user can reset by
unchecking all checked boxes

KP: would be good to have both, change back individual settings, and big
switch to reset all

<scribe> ACTION: JA to rewrite 4.5.6 group, individual and total reset
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/06/18-ua-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-201 - Rewrite 4.5.6 group, individual and total
reset [on Jim Allan - due 2009-06-25].

JA: there are many standards (ISO, ANSI) covering accessible applications on
... can UA refer to these as a base, and add UA specific success criteria
for UA

JS: ATAG took this route, success criteria is to follow applicable platform
accessibilty requirements

SH: problem. how can anyone test that anyone has followed application
accessibility platform requirements.

<Greg> Slight correction: ISO 9241-171 and ANSI 200.2 are not platform
specific, but rather designed to be applicable to any software running on on
any platform.

<scribe> scribe: allanj

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator & Webmaster
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 18:51:59 UTC