UAAG Teleconference Minutes 30 Apr 2009



User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

30 Apr 2009


See also: IRC log


Allan_James, Harper_Simon, Spellman_Jeanne, Richards_Jan, Patch_Kim
+Henny, Ford_Kelly, Hakkinen_Mark

Logistics (Regrets, agenda requests, comments)?
Review comments to draft 
Summary of Action Items

<jeanne> hey jim!
<jeanne> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Date: 30 April 2009
<jeanne> chair: Jim_Allan, Kelly_Ford
<scribe> scribe: Harper_Simon
<scribe> ScribeNick: sharper
Logistics (Regrets, agenda requests, comments)?

Review comments to draft 

<scribe> meeting: User Agent Working Group Telecon - 30 April 2009
JS: Thanks to Greg Lowney, for comments on Working Draft
... Have Invited Greg to join, he is considering it.
... Read over the last few days - some we can just action - others  
will need more discussion.
All: Most have not had time to read this in detail
JS: these are the ones we can just implement, and will be presented  
to the group via the survey, mostly formatting.
... 2nd cat - those where Greg has proposed and action.
... 3rd cat - need to allocate people to write a proposal.
... 4th cat (finally), Those which need more discussion.
JA: Are we all OK for JS to action formatting?
sh: +1
RESOLUTION: JS to section Greg's comments into Categories, actioning  
formatting, moving proposals to a survey, and requesting allocation  
of resources for group members to build proposals around comments  
which have none.
<AllanJ> all discuss #11. (Re 3.10.8) Why limit stealing focus top  
level viewports?: Why
<AllanJ> ensure that the user can stop top-level viewports from  
stealing focus,
<AllanJ> but not do the same about other events that steal focus  
(e.g. popup
<AllanJ> menus)? (Priority: 3 Low) (Type: Clarify)
<AllanJ> filling in form controls and the focus moves to next item  
when character limit reached
<AllanJ> KP: this is a huge issue for speech users. seems the UA is  
thinking for itself.
KP: consistency makes interaction easier.
JR: 3.1.11 we have a guideline, we can make a work item and bring in  
some of these ideas.
... need a stronger control of focus in general.
<AllanJ> this should be guideline 3.11
JS: Gregs intention was that uA should be able to prevent focus  
steeling, categorically.
JA: point 41
<AllanJ> #41. (Re 3.6.3) Require minimum option range beyond that of  
the platform: The minimum range for each text characteristic is "the  
range offered by the conventional utility available in the operating  
environment", and only if there is none does a wide range become  
required. Thus, as user who needs to adjust these settings in order  
to make the system accessible is in great shape if the...
<AllanJ> ...platform has no conventions, but is "out of luck" if the  
platform offers a small range of options (e.g. a handheld device  
which normally uses just two font sizes, or does not provide any  
light-on-dark color schemes). It seems like the wider range should  
become required if the operating environment provides no default  
range OR if it offers a default range that is narrower than a...
<AllanJ> ...certain threshold. (Priority: 2 Medium) (Type: Expand)
JR: Greg is just saying that some operating environments have a very  
small range.
JA: is this the same for every platform?
JR: eg black and white screen, cannot require colour on this.
<AllanJ> JR: different platforms would have different requirements to  
be compliant
<AllanJ> ...e.g. device with black and white screen, can't get color.
JR: does this mean we will set absolute thresholds for devices?
JA: concerned that we already get comments that UAAG is too burdomsom  
- hate using this as a decission point - but is pragmatic.
JS: look to make it as good as we can - but implementations will make  
this explicit - shouldn't guess on this.
JR: odd if we require UA to go beyond the platform and typical apps  
on the platform.
<AllanJ> SH: query, different UAs have to meet UAAG, but have vastly  
different capabilities
<AllanJ> do they conform?
KP: key is consistency - whatever is required, however it is done,  
make it consistent.
JA: could we get Greg to come to the meeting next week so we can have  
more time to digest the comments and get feedback firsthand.
JS: please write a proposal for any that don't have them - this will  
make things much faster.
RESOLUTION: Please write a proposal for any that don't have them -  
this will make things much faster.
RESOLUTION: Please send these to the list so we don't duplicate.
Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/04/30 17:57:24 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20
Check for newer version at 

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/''/correction
Found Scribe: Harper_Simon
Found ScribeNick: sharper
Default Present: sharper, Jan, Jeanne, Allanj, +1.617.325.aaaa,  
Present: Allan_James Harper_Simon Spellman_Jeanne Richards_Jan Patch_Kim

WARNING: Replacing previous Regrets list. (Old list: Mark_H, Kelly_F)
Use 'Regrets+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the  
such as: <dbooth> Regrets+ +Henny

Regrets: +Henny Ford_Kelly Hakkinen_Mark
Found Date: 30 Apr 2009
Guessing minutes URL:
People with action items:

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2009 18:01:28 UTC