W3C Access for All

I noticed this:

Note Published: W3C Personalization Roadmap: Ubiquitous Web  
Integration of AccessForAll 1.0

2009-04-09: The Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group has  
published the Group Note of W3C Personalization Roadmap: Ubiquitous  
Web Integration of AccessForAll 1.0. This document describes an  
activity of integrating personalization with device context for the  
delivery of content materials and interface components that are  
customized to meet both individual personal needs and preferences and  
delivery context. It brings together the work of separate standards  
and specifications organizations and working groups, notably W3C  
Ubiquitous Web Applications working group, IMS Global Learning  
Consortium Accessibility Special Interest group, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36  
Information Technology for Learning, Education and Training: Human  
Diversity and Access For All working group and associated working  
groups in SC36. The document should be viewed as a roadmap for the  
work to be undertaken and includes description of the basis for the  
work, the organizational context, the likely technologies and a  
partially complete description of how the technologies fit together.  
Learn more about the Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity.


UAAG are mentioned quite abit as is the working group - first I  
wonder if we know anything about this - and second why it doesn't  
seem to be under WAI?



Simon Harper
University of Manchester (UK)

Human Centred Web Lab: http://hcw.cs.manchester.ac.uk

My Site: http://hcw.cs.manchester.ac.uk/people/harper/
My Diary (Web): http://hcw.cs.manchester.ac.uk/people/harper/ 

My Diary (Subscribe): http://hcw.cs.manchester.ac.uk/diaries/harper/ 

Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 15:50:16 UTC