Minutes from User Agent Teleconference for December 13 2007




ACTION: JR to Review WCAG 2.0 LC
ACTION: JA to Review WCAG 2.0 LC
ACTION: CL to Review WCAG 2.0 LC
ACTION: JR to Look into "denial of Service" issue re IBM
ACTION: JR to Work on 2.3 proposal to make provision 2 more general - 
not just visual
ACTION: JR to Check out "available programmatically " to see if we have 
a defn
ACTION: JA to Ping CG and PF about AIA.
ACTION: JR to Check when publishing moratoria are [8]


WCAG 2.0 last call - previous comments
JA: We sent in some comments last time..some resulted in changes, some not


JR: Comment 1: Respecting OS keyboard accessibility features
... In this case they added paragraph to address

<scribe> ACTION: JR to Review WCAG 2.0 LC [recorded in 

<scribe> ACTION: JA to Review WCAG 2.0 LC [recorded in 

<scribe> ACTION: CL to Review WCAG 2.0 LC [recorded in 

KF: Will also be looking at it with comments via microsoft

GJR Review GL 10 - gap, proposals
JA: But Gregory not here

<scribe> Topic:review action items
CL to broaden the definition in 6.1 beyond infoset to cover thing like CSS
CL: Can't change "infoset" but could maybe change defn of content...
... Related to Web 2.0?

JA: Right and missed APIs
... And out of process dom's....ARIA specs....
... And 6.2 is DOM access to XML/HTML content

CL: So work on additional wording specific to 6.1 and 6.2?

JA: Yes
... Our defnition of content is ued in 3 ways...
... So will you make a proposal to list?

CL: Can start by email and discuss in call

JA: Reading "issues" from the Wiki


CL: Having probs seeing wiki

<scribe> ACTION: JR to Look into "denial of Service" issue re IBM 
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/13-ua-minutes.html#action04]

JR to follow up on 2.3 and make proposal.

<cklaws> JR: looking at conditional content checkpoint - was P1 and was 
long - took brainstorming and looked at levels

<cklaws> Changed name of checkpoint from rendered content to provide 
access to conditional content

<cklaws> To make level A

<cklaws> The user can browse and request the rendering of any items in a

<cklaws> *conditional content stack* that are encoded in *technologies* 
that the

<cklaws> user agent supports.

<cklaws> If UA doesn't do Flash, then doesn't need to render that

<cklaws> Update def of conditional content

<cklaws> in glossary


"conditional content stack"

The set of *conditional content* items for a given position in content.

The items may be mutually exclusive (e.g., regular contrast graphic vs.

high contrast graphic) or non-exclusive (e.g., caption track that can

play at the same time as a sound track).

"Conditional content"

Conditional content is content that should be made available to users

only under certain conditions (e.g., based on user preferences or

operating environment limitations). Some examples include:

- The alt attribute of the IMG element in HTML 4.

- OBJECT elements in HTML 4.

- The switch element and test attributes in SMIL 1.0.

- The NOSCRIPT and NOFRAMES elements in HTML 4.

Note: Specifications vary in how completely they define how and when to

render conditional content.

2.3 Provide access to conditional content (P1)

Level A:

1. The user can browse and request the rendering of any items in a

*conditional content stack* that are encoded in *technologies* that the

user agent supports.

2. For visual user agents, if the user requests the rendering of an item

in the *conditional content stack* that has on-screen dimensions that

are larger than the default rendered item, then a configuration should

control which dimensions are used.

3. If an item in the *conditional content stack* is plain text (e.g. alt

text) then it is available programmatically even when not on-screen.

4. Previously rendered items can continue to be rendered alongside other

items in the *conditional content stack* unless the user agent can

detect a mutual exclusion.

Level AA:

5. The user can set preferences for which items in a *conditional

content stack* are rendered by default.

6. The user is alerted to the presence of non-rendered items in the

*conditional content stack* that are encoded in *technologies* that the

user agent supports.

Level AAA:

<cklaws> If 2 audios and one is louder than the first, you could run 
into problems

<cklaws> JA: State generally and the work in specific case

<scribe> ACTION: JR to Work on 2.3 proposal to make provision 2 more 
general - not just visual [recorded in 

<cklaws> 3. Should be in DOM even when not rendered - or in a11y API

<scribe> ACTION: JR to Check out "available programmatically " to see if 
we have a defn [recorded in 

<cklaws> programatically should include accessibility APIs

<cklaws> 4. KF: Should show original content plus conditional at the sam 

<cklaws> be able to render each of the items at request - but need to be 
able to see simultaneously sometimes like video and caption

<cklaws> basic sound track plus audio description - timed to play at the 
same time - but two different language sound track would be mutually 

<cklaws> need to identify which is mutually exclusiv

<cklaws> JF: maybe rules of thumb about mutually exclusive

<cklaws> sorry JR:

<cklaws> 5. For double AA - user specifies preferences

<cklaws> single A is query, double AA inform immediately

JR: Please send any further thoughts to the list

KF: Have a question for the WG...
... On Monday Microsoft and other companies announced Accessibility 
Interoperability Alliance


KF: Some different projects...varying degree of relation to browser...
... But curious about group looking a keyboard shortcuts
... Should we be looking at what that group has to say?
... What does group think about this?

CL: These things going beyond Web

JA: I should take it to CG

* Consistent keyboard access. Developing a set of keyboard shortcuts to 
provide consistent behavior to users of assistive technology products in 
any Web browser

* Interoperability of accessibility APIs. Modifying and/or extending 
existing accessibility models (Microsoft UI Automation, IAccessible2 and 
others) to improve the interoperability and exchange of information 
between IT and assistive technology (AT) products

* UI Automation extensions. Adding features and capabilities to support 
additional rich document scenarios, address new Web scenarios and more.

* Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (ARIA) mapping through UI 
Automation. Designing the mapping of rich Web accessibility information 
through UI Automation to ensure maximum value for AT products and,

CL: Interesting announcement...e.g. refers to iaccessible2 and also lots 
of PF stuff

<KFord> Here's a description of the keyboard project.

<KFord> � Consistent keyboard access. Developing a set of keyboard 
shortcuts to provide consistent behavior to users of assistive 
technology products in any Web

<KFord> browser

JA: THis group should at least keep track of what's going on.

Kelly, are you on the group?

KF: No someone else from IE...but coordinate with them.

JA: Noticing no unix, linux in membership and neither is Freedom Scientific
... Thanks

<cklaws> No IBM yet

<scribe> ACTION: JA to Ping CG and PF about AIA. [recorded in 

JA: Judy interested in putting out Public WG ...
... Might be a way of stimulating participation, comments

CL: Have we touched every checkpoint yet?

JA: Sopme yes, some no.
... OK so perhaps for next meeting when we meet next...

CL: Available on Jan. 3rd, but not 10th then onward

KF: Available quite a bit

JA: OK next meeting on Jan. 10th
... Or...
... Let's meet next week

JR: Could publish in Jan. with proviso that we are looking for participation

KF: Right and looking for big gaps

<cklaws> JR - we lost you on the call


<cklaws> we can't hear you

<KFord> now we can hear you.

JA: My understanding is that Editor's drafts is for what's going 
in...and wiki is for issues...

CL: Let's bring in issues styled as issues in box etc.

KF: Think we are ready to put our ideas out there

CL: But people haven't read yet

<scribe> ACTION: JR to Check when publishing moratoria are [recorded in 

JA: We will meet on Dec 20th

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 19:30:10 UTC