- From: Jan Richards <jan.richards@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 13:36:16 -0500
- To: 'WAI-ua' <w3c-wai-ua@w3.org>
Location: http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-ua-minutes.html Action Items: ACTION: JA to Make a proposal for new checkpoint related to native rendering of video and communication with AccessAPI etc Minutes: <oedipus> aloha, jim -- i will be at the meeting today -- the HTML WG telecon is tomorrow <AllanJ> title: User Agent telecon <AllanJ> scribe: JR <scribe> Scribe: JR <oedipus> GJR action item update: Gregory to contact Doug Schepers about multiple DOMs in CDF and embedded UAs JA: Lots of work done on F2F and thanks to those people on the phone! <oedipus> contacted DougS, acknowledged receipt, but will reply tomorrow as he went from boston to NC to japan in a 24-hour timeframe JA: We had David Singer from Apple and HTML5 joined us on Monday morning ... He took back some info on new <video> tag and we saw prototype of UA rendering <video> ... Question to group...if video rendered natively then are video controls chrome? <oedipus> GJR +1 that controls are chrome if "rendered natively" JR: Yes they are chrome pparente: Agree KF: Agree JA: Agree <oedipus> XHTML2 post of (related?) interest "role for object" - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Nov/0015.html JA: Maybe related to DOM guidelines? JR: 6.2? <oedipus> GL 9: Provide access to content through a variety of navigation mechanisms, including sequential navigation, direct navigation, searches, and structured navigation <scribe> ACTION: JA to Make a proposal for new checkpoint related to native rendering of video and communication with AccessAPI etc [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-ua-minutes.html#action01] GR: XHTML2 doesn't like video, audio etc. and instead likes "role"s for OBJECT ... More info at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Nov/0015.html JA: Should we be concerned about HTML5 vs XHTML2? JR: Don't think so...we should keep things at a more general level. GR: Agree ... BTW: XHTML2 is dropping handler from XML events....purpose handler suggested by PF ... So trying figure out next PF steps....maybe via WebAPI group JA: How to markup document changes? GR: Checked into it - but no screen readers read style sheet info. ... Screen readers just scrape the screen. PP: So colour info just not available? GR: For named colours...can look for colour X on colour Y for example PP: In Linux in Firefox the info goes into AccessAPI GR: Right that's why I went to Orca since they use that KF: To clarify, Jaws does deal a bit with where style tags are etc ... Can configure how to look for stylesheets <KFord> Here's a technical support bulletin for JAWS and CSS. <KFord> http://www.freedomscientific.com/fs_support/BulletinView.cfm?QC=1165 GR: So that's why I contacted Orca - working with Linux as well as iAccessible2 on Windows ... Will try to find strategies for marking changes JA: We have some issues here at the school with power and I need to leave call... ... So we'll wrap up. Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: JA to Make a proposal for new checkpoint related to native rendering of video and communication with AccessAPI etc [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/15-ua-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes]
Received on Thursday, 15 November 2007 18:37:03 UTC