RE: Display properties for Dojo tooltip widgets versus system tooltips

ckl: If there is an image inside of the Dojo tooltip widget and the image
has alt text, does the tooltip for the image use the system display property
settings for tooltips (i.e. is the image tooltip a system tooltip or a
JavaScript Dojo tooltip)?

bg: dojo doesn't really care what is inside of a tooltip. But you mean what
happens when someone mouses over an image that has a title attribute
(Firefox does not display alt text on mouseover) that is included inside of
a dojo tooltip? In that case, if the user mouses over the image in the
tooltip, the browser will provide the tooltip for the image will honor the
system tooltip settings. Dojo just displays whatever HTML is provided for
the tooltip contents and that HTML will be rendered by the browser. But, the
only way to be able to mouseover something in a dojo tooltip is to invoke
the tooltip by setting focus to the trigger item and then moving the mouse
over the tooltip. If you invoke the dojo tooltip by mouseover of the trigger
item, moving the mouse off of the trigger to put it into the tooltip will
cause the tooltip to be closed.

Jim:  "If you invoke the dojo tooltip by mouseover of the trigger item,
moving the mouse off of the trigger to put it into the tooltip will cause
the tooltip to be closed. "
this will be a real accessibility problem for folks using screen
magnification. they may have to move into the tool tip in order to read all
of the content. So, the author will have to (or must) set focus to the
trigger and then the user opens it, then the tool tip will stay open. How
does a user close the tool tip?
If the author does not do the right thing, is a UA able to force the dojo
tooltip to stay open. That seems unlikely.

also, in our discussions, I thought that Dojo tooltips could be very complex
and could include interactive items (forms). How is a user using a mouser or
keyboard going to interact with something in the tooltip, when to moving off
of the trigger closes the tooltip?


Received on Thursday, 6 September 2007 21:32:18 UTC