Re: User Agent Push

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 22:53:35 +0200, Michael Cooper <> wrote:

> The WCAG Working Group sometimes determines that a success criterion
> would be much more easily met if only user agents supported a given
> feature. Because we only document techniques that are known to yield the
> accessibility benefit intended, we tend to have to create "workaround"
> techniques that we consider far less desirable. We are starting a "wish
> list" of user agent features that would make all our lives easier - the
> User Agent Push
> <> list.
> We'd like to know from UAAG if a similar list exists, or if it would
> make sense to collaborate on the development of such a list. We'd also
> like to work through the UAAG WG on encouraging user agent developers to
> implement some of these features. Would there be interest in this?

The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines, as I read them, are effectively  
such a list. If the WCAG group were to look carefully and select the  
things that are really pain points now, and list them, or link to the  
relevant bit of UAAG for each feature they want, it would help. (The one  
thing listed is extremely vague at the moment. If it means being able to  
navigate headers, then I am happy to report that we do it already. If it  
means something else, please clarify so we can work out if we do or don't  
:) ).



   Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
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Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2007 00:29:37 UTC