- From: Jim Allan <jimallan@tsbvi.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:17:16 -0500
- To: WAU-ua <w3c-wai-ua@w3.org>, Jan Richards <jan.richards@utoronto.ca>
IRC Transcript only. Present: Jim Allan (chair) Jan Richards (scribe) David Poehlman Cathy Laws NOTE: UAWG will be meeting weekly for the next 6 weeks to review WCAG 2.0 jallan: zakim, this will be WAI_UAWG Zakim: ok, jallan; I see WAI_UAWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes jallan: agenda+ Review WCAG 2.0 Guidelines from UAAG perspective. * Zakim notes agendum 1 added Zakim: WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has now started Zakim: +Jim_Allan jallan: agenda+ UAWG track webAPI discussions * Zakim notes agendum 2 added *** JR has joined #ua. JR: hi Jim Zakim: +Jan_Richards Zakim: +[IBM] Zakim: +DPoehlman JR: Scribe: JR JR: Meeting: WAI UA JR: Chair: jallan *** cklaws has joined #ua. JR: Zakim, take up agendum 2 TOPIC 2. "UAWG track webAPI discussions" taken up [from jallan] JR: JA: CG would like someone from UAWG to monitor webAPI work. JR: JA: JA can help monitor but not sure he can monitor it by himself. JR: CL: Is this access API's? JR: JR: Don't think it is access focussed group. JR: Zakim, agenda? Zakim: I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: Zakim: 1. Review WCAG 2.0 Guidelines from UAAG perspective. [from jallan] Zakim: 2. UAWG track webAPI discussions [from jallan] JR: JA: Al was monitoring but JA can't find line at moment. JR: CL: Will ask around to see if IBM access centre will be involved. JR: JA: OK Al just said go to WebAPI mailing list and look for discussions on Listening [for Events] JR: DP: Does know this webAPI stuff is related to DOM. JR: Zakim, take up agendum 1 TOPIC 1. "Review WCAG 2.0 Guidelines from UAAG perspective." taken up [from jallan] JA: Last mtg Charles M-N was here... JA: We discussed baseline... JA: WCAG requires conformance claims to state their baseline technology assumptions jallan: http://www.tsbvi.edu/technology/uawg/wcag2.htm JA: WCAG assumes some UA functionality... JA: So went through all of WCAG and made assumptions on UAAG explicit. JR: Will take a closer look at the table. JA: In conversations with John SLatin, wcag concerned about no uaag conformant tool. JA: But it's not a big problem, since ua's can pick and choose. JA: Trying to get the WCAG and UAAG more connected. CL: Maybe uaag ties back to format-specs (eg. HTML) than on wcag... DP: We have to be careful refering to wacg 2.0...we may need to refer to a baseline. CL: Do we need to review any UAAG 1.0 gucielines refering to wcag 1.0? CL: Let's review in light of wcag 2.0 CL: UAAG has directed dependency on WCAG 1.0 - Guideline 2 Ensure that users have access to all content, notably conditional content that may have been provided to meet the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [WCAG10]. ACTION: Jallan - create list of references in UAAG to WCAG 1.0 ACTION JR: Take closer look at the UAAG assumptions in WCAG table. JR: Suggests generic reference to WCAG - with link to explanation of the 2 versions. JA: This is one more pressure to open UAAG. DP: The state of no conforming user agent might end more quickly if wcag pointed to uaag. CL: What would really help web developers would be more reports on uaag conformance or support for particular wcag techs JA: Brainstorm: what if IBM did a conformance claim for HPR? CL: There is a "report" but no a conf. claim because it doesn't get there. CL: THinks that is helpful for web devs. CL & JA: Some really difficult P1s. JA: Config part is also tricky. CL: And some access features likely won't be implemented. JA: WCAG is supposed to be going to last call April 20th- shall we go to weekly call? JA: For next 5 or 6 weeks until end of review period. JA: Wants to nail the benchmark thing down into well crafted docs... JA: Also wants other stuff handled. JA: Didn't see any large probs - except many implict user agent refs that may need to be more explicit. CL: Longdesc, some header stuff - not being handled by ua's JA: Most of the doc is pretty general but probs may occur with techs... CL: Yes, test suites are more based on techs... JA: We all seem on the same page re: the baseline, for next week we will have made first pass on going over the doc JR: JA: will get action item on refs to wcag in uaag by monday JR: JA: also at some time JA may invite JS, WAC or GV to uaag call. JR: CL: Do we also need to look at the levels. JR: JR: I think so - when they lack a success criteria level 1 that can be read as P2 JR: CL: If they are "P1" we need our handling checkpoint to be P1. JR: JA: Next weeek, same time. Zakim: -[IBM] Zakim: -DPoehlman *** JR has signed off IRC (Quit: JR). Zakim: -Jan_Richards *** cklaws has left #ua. Zakim: -Jim_Allan Zakim: WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has ended Zakim: Attendees were Jim_Allan, Jan_Richards, [IBM], DPoehlman jallan: zakim, close agendum 1 Zakim: agendum 1, Review WCAG 2.0 Guidelines from UAAG perspective., closed Zakim: I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: [Zakim: 2. UAWG track webAPI discussions [from jallan] jallan: zakim, close agendum 2 Zakim: agendum 2, UAWG track webAPI discussions, closed Zakim: I see nothing remaining on the agenda Jim Allan, Webmaster & Statewide Technical Support Specialist Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired 1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756 voice 512.206.9315 fax: 512.206.9264 http://www.tsbvi.edu/ ---> Share to Win!! <---
Received on Thursday, 13 April 2006 20:14:36 UTC