W3C User Agent Teleconference for 2 December 2004

Jim Allan
Jon Gunderson
Dave Poehlman
Travis Roth
Matt May
Kathy Laws
Will Pearson
Peter Korn

Susan Crayne

1. Face-to-face meeting at W3C Technical Plenary 1 - 4 March 2005
draft agenda by Jan 1.
	Meet Tuesday and Thursday
	could meet with PF on Tuesday afternoon - about presentation information
and "Road map" document (member only)
	jg coordinating a meeting with SVG group on Thursday to go over test suite

**action Jon coordinate with Will and Matt about test suites

pk talked to Beijing - aware of plenary, need more specifics before deciding
to come, might send Kyle
jg PFWG meeting would be useful for Beijing and their work on the
accessibility API, develop road map for mozilla accessibility.
Wednesday is all day W3 plenary, no working group meetings.
PFWG meeting may be on Tuesday afternoon 1-4 hours
pk will encourage Beijing to come.
mm will not be at meeting.
jg many issues related to xhtml. PFWG defining a strategy for accessible web
applications, access keys (user defined), new attributes - indicate
interactivity through the DOM for assistive technology, harmonize
accessibility across format (svg, xhtml, etc.),
UAAG will develop test suites for PF items.
DOM is place to gather accessibility information for APIs

kl already working with PF, don't need any test suites. will be coming.
jg group needs to review implementation reports and test suites.
ja not coming, no funding
wp may come
tr probably not come (in Lincoln, NB)

2. Keyboard test suites for Mozilla
jg had a colleague working on test suite. reviewed layout and current
development of test suite.
need to add tests for forms
pk tests are very good.
jg review caret functions, and keyboard enabled elements (forms, anchors,
scripts), will add other interactive controls
review test pages and content types.
pk applets are awt, need to have swing applets to have a valid test. 2
accessible applets come with jdk. sent path to applets over irc.
jg will make changes to included applets.
pk the realplayer content should point to realplayer 10 or helix 1.0, they
only have a few bugs to make it accessible on unix.
jg can't specify player version in html
kl are you using object
jg using both object and embed to make it work in all browsers, if anyone
has better coding please share.
kl have use <object> for flash, should have something for real , macromedia
has developed a test suite for accessible flash components.

**action kl - contact bob regan for accessible flash objects for inclusion
in test suites.

jg need to develop some tests for css and accessibility, any comments
pk menu under caret functions, there is a separator that

3. UAAG test suite and browser implementation reports

charter says UAAG should be working on SVG and SMIL test suites.
need resources to develop test
need UAAG members to participate in test development
developed a new testing and reporting system, reviewed system and
discussion of scaling elements and use of images

tr interested in SMIL

mm and tr and jg will meet next week to discuss smil

next meeting with SUN Beijing is Jan 5 - some time conflicts, will try to
reschedule for the 6 Jan
next UAAG meeting will be on Jan 13.

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2004 20:04:38 UTC