Keyboard navigation proposal for Mozilla


At our last UAAG meeting in August (on the 12th I believe), we talked about 
the importance of having an effective and complete keyboard navigation 
mechanism in mozilla/gecko for navigating web content (both to meet Section 
508 1194.21(a) and also as one method for screen reader access).

I don't find a copy of the minutes from that meeting in my notes/inbox, but if 
memory serves someone from IBM took an action item to review Home Page Reader 
and have some internal discussions to see about providing a draft proposal for 
how to do this.

In order to meet our internal product schedules, we at Sun felt this process 
needed to move forward rapidly.  I'd like to apologize in advance if our 
putting forth a proposal has interrupted work-in-process at IBM or elsewhere 
on this topic; I hope the silence on this list or any of other accessibility 
lists I monitor is an accurate indicatation that not a lot of work had taken 

In any case, as you'll see in a separate announcement I'll send out shortly, 
Sun is putting forth a proposal for keyboard navigation in Mozilla/gecko, at:

Please review this proposal and send comments in reply to my forthcoming 
announcement.  I imaging the appropriate place for that discussion is 


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

Received on Thursday, 16 September 2004 06:15:27 UTC