PERVASIVE 2004 Call for Participation

  *                                                                   *
  *                      Call for Participation                       *
  *                                                                   *
  *                     P E R V A S I V E   2004                      *
  *        2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing        *
  *                                                                   *
  *                      Linz / Vienna, Austria                       *
  *                        April 18-23, 2004                          *
  *                                                                   *
  *                             *
  *                                                                   *

  A vast manifold of tiny, embedded and autonomous computing and
  communication systems have started to create and populate a pervasive and
  ubiquitous computing landscape, characterized by the autonomy of their
  programmed behavior, the dynamics and context-awareness of services and
  applications they offer, the ad-hoc interoperability of services and the
  different modes of user interaction upon those services. This is mostly
  due to technological progress like the maturing of wireless networking,
  exciting new information processing possibilities induced by novel
  microprocessor technologies, low power storage systems, smart material,
  and motor-, controller-, sensor- and actuator technologies. A future
  computing scenario is envisioned in which almost every object in our
  everyday environment will be equipped with embedded processors, wireless
  communication facilities and embedded software to perceive, perform and
  control a multitude of tasks and functions. Since many of these objects
  are already able to communicate and interact with global networks and with
  each other, the vision of context-aware "smart appliances" and "smart
  spaces" has already become a reality. Service provision is based on the
  ability of being aware of the presence of other objects or users, and
  systems can be designed in order to be sensitive, adaptive and responsive
  to their needs, habits and even emotions. With pervasive computing
  technology embodied into real world objects like furniture, clothing,
  crafts, rooms, etc., those artefacts also become the interface to
  "invisible" services and allow to mediate between the physical and digital
  (or virtual) world via natural interaction - away from desktop displays
  and keyboards. Novel interface concepts for situated interaction give rise
  for bringing the interaction with computers "back to the real world" .

  All these observations pose serious challenges to the conceptual
  architectures of computing, and the related engineering disciplines in
  computer science. PERVASIVE 2004, the Second International Conference on
  Pervasive Computing, provides a premier venue to bring together
  researchers and practitioners working in all foundational and applied
  research areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. It will include
  presentations, workshops, tutorials and multimedia demonstrations on
  subjects like:

* Focus

  Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Architectures
  Sensors and Actuators / Computational Perception
  "Smart" Appliances / Ambient Intelligence
  New Technologies / New Materials / Small Artefacts
  Displays / Vision / Mixed Reality Systems
  Spontaneous / Wireless / Mobile Communication
  Networked Embedded Systems
  Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing
  Coordination Models and Systems
  Middleware and Software Frameworks
  Interaction Models / Interaction Design
  User Interfaces (e.g. Situative/Tangible/Attentive)
  Emerging Industrial / Business Scenarios
  Social / Privacy / Security Issues

  PERVASIVE 2004 will present cutting edge research results in the following
  formats and categories:

* Regular Papers and Tech-Notes

  Regular papers will present original, highly innovative, prospective and
  forward-looking research in one or more of the categories given above.
  Just like regular papers, tech-notes will present directing research, but
  in very focused and compact format. Tech-notes are not understood as short
  papers condensed into less page space, but present pointed results at a
  high level of technicality.

* Hot Spot Papers

  Hot spot papers aim at presenting very topical issues and late breaking
  application oriented results in all areas of pervasive and ubiquitous
  computing. Depending on the type and style of the hot spot paper, demo
  exhibition space, poster space and short presentations  to the
  PERVASIVE 2004 plenary audience will be given. They will be included in 
  the PERVASIVE 2004 DVD.

* Doctoral Colloquium

  The PERVASIVE 2004 doctoral colloquium, to be held right before the main
  conference during April 18-19 in Linz, Austria, invites PhD students and
  candidates to present, discuss and defend their work-in-progress or
  preliminary results in an international, agile and renowned audience of
  junior and senior researchers and developers in the pervasive computing
  field. Thesis position papers will be defended in the colloquium, relating
  a problem statement, methodological approach, potential for innovation and
  expected contribution to the international pervasive computing literature.

* Videos

  Short videos will present novel pervasive computing systems, devices or
  just designs, or demonstrate innovative styles of interaction or usability
  of those systems - in a lively format. They will be presented during the
  PERVASIVE 2004 Video Night - a special event at the festival hall of the
  University of Vienna. All video clips will be presented in the
  PERVASIVE 2004 Video DVD.

* Tutorials and Workshops

  PERVASIVE 2004 tutorials will provide the dissemination of advanced
  concepts, technologies and skills to the participants. Tutorials will
  focus on seminal and pioneering topics of pervasive computing or cover an
  outstanding new branch of pervasive computing research. Workshop sessions
  will provide inspiring and influencing discussion on pervasive computing
  topics. Each workshop aims at the sharing and consolidation of new
  research ideas and fosters future co-operations. The following workshops
  are scheduled: W1: Gaming Applications in Pervasive Computing
  Environments, W2: Toolkit Support for Interaction in the Physical World,
  W3: Memory and Sharing of Experiences, W4: Computer Support for Human
  Tasks and Activities, W5: Benchmarks and a database for context
  recognition, W6: SPPC: Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing,
  W7: Sustainable Pervasive Computing

* Important Dates

      thru Feb 23, 2004 (early)
      thru April 5, 2004  (late)
      April 18-23, 2004 (on site)

  Doctoral Colloquium
      April 18 - 19, 2004
      University of Linz

  Workshops / Tutorials
      April 20, 2004
      University of Vienna

  Video Night
      April 21, 2004
      University of Vienna
      Main Festival Hall

  Main Conference
      April 21 - 23, 2004
      The Hofburg Palace
      Downtown Vienna

* Conference Program

  Wednesday, April 21
      9:00-9:30   Opening
                  A. Ferscha, PC Chair and F. Mattern, General Chair

      9:30-10:30  Keynote Address

      10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

      11:00-12:30 Session 1: Activity Recognition
                  Activity Recognition From User-Annotated Acceleration Data
                    S. Intille, L. Bao
                  Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones
                  and Accelerometers
                    J. Ward, P. Lukowicz, A. Atrash, T. Starner
                  "Are You With Me" - Using Accelerometers to Determine if
                  Two Devices are Carried by the Same Person
                    J. Lester, B. Hannaford, G. Borriello

      12:30-14:00 Lunch

      14:00-15:30 Hot Spot and Video Sketches

      15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

      16:00-17:30 Session 2: Context Computing
                  Context Cube: Flexible and Effective Manipulation of
                  Sensed Context Data
                    L- Harvel, G- Abowd, L- Liu, Y.-X. Lim, C. Scheibe, C.
                  A Context-Aware Communication Platform for Smart Objects
                    F. Siegemund
                  Siren: Context-aware Computing for Firefighting
                    X. Jiang, N. Chen, J. Hong, K. Wang, L. Takayama

      18:30-22:00 Reception (Vienna City Hall) &
                  Video Night (Kleiner Festsaal, University of Vienna)

  Thursday, April 22

      9:00-10:00  Keynote Address

      10:00-11:00 Session 3: Near Body Interfaces
                  Spectacle-Based Design of Wearable See-Through Display
                  for Accommodation-Free Viewing
                    M. von Waldkirch, O. Lukowicz, G. Troester
                  A Compact battery-less information terminal for Real World
                    Takuichi Nishimura

      11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

      11:30-12:30 Session 4: Software
                  INCA: A Software Infrastructure to Facilitate the
                  Construction & Evolution of Capture & Access Apps
                    K. Truong, G. Abowd
                  Software Upgrade in Ubiquitous Computing
                    J. Barton

      12:30-14:00 Lunch

      14:00-15:30 Session 5: Sensors
                  Activity Recognition in the Home Using Simple and
                  Ubiquitous Sensors
                    E. M. Tapia, S. S. Intille, K. Larson
                  Automatic Calibration of Body Worn Acceleration Sensors
                    P. Lukowicz, Junker, G. Troester
                  Reject Optional LVQ Based Two-level Classifier to Improve
                  Reliability in Footstep Identification
                    J. Suutala, S. Pirttikangas, J. Riekki, J. Röning
                  Issues with RFID usage in ubiquitous computing
                    C. Floerkemeier, Lampe

      15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

      16:00-17:10 Session 6: Security
                  A Fault-tolerant Key-Distribution Scheme for Securing
                  Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
                    A. Wacker, T. Heiber, H. Cermann, P.J. Marron
                  ProxNet: Secure Dynamic Wireless Connection by Proximity
                    J. Rekimoto, T. Miyaki, M. Kohno
                  Tackling Security and Privacy Issues in Radio Frequency
                  Identification Devices
                    D. Henrici, P. Müller

      18:30-22:00 Conference Dinner

  Friday, April 23

      9:00-10:30  Session 7: Architecture and Systems
                  Towards Wearable Autonomous Microsystems
                    Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula, Stijn Ossevoort, Mathias
                    Stäger, Gerhard Tröster
                  Ubiquitous Chip: a Rule-based I/O Control Device for
                  Ubiquitous Computing
                    T. Terada, M. Tsukamoto, K. Hayakawa, T. Yoshihisa,
                    Y. Kishino
                  eSeal - A System for Enhanced Electronic Assertion of
                  Authenticity and Integrity of Sealed Items
                    C. Decker, M. Beigl, A. Krohn, U. Kubach, P. Robinson

      10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

      11:00-12:30 Session 8: Algorithms
                  A Distributed Precision Based Localization Algorithm for
                  Ad-Hoc Networks
                    S. Dulman, L. Evers, P. Havinga
                  Adaptive On-device Location Recognition
                    K. Laasonen, M. Raento, H. Toivonen
                  Accommodating Transient Connectivity in Ad Hoc and Mobile
                    R. Handorean, C. Gill

      12:30-14:00 Lunch

      14:00-15:30 Session 9: New Interfaces
                  Microbiology Tray and Pipette Tracking as a Proactive
                  Tangible User Interface
                    Harlan Hile, Jiwon Kim, Gaetano Borriello
                  Augmenting Collections of Everyday Objects: Clothes
                  Hangers as an Information Display
                    T. Matthews, H.W. Gellersen, A. Dey, K. Van Laerhoven
                  MirrorSpace: using proximity as an interface to video-
                  mediated communication
                    N. Roussel, H. Evans, H. Hansen
                  SearchLight - A Lightweight Search Function for Pervasive
                    A. Butz, M. Schneider, M. Spassova

      15:30-16:00 Closing

  Please check the web page for updates.

* Registration

  Registration for the conference, the workshops, and the doctoral
  colloquium is open from January 23rd 2004 until April 5th 2004. After
  April 5th 2004 only on-site registrations are possible.

  Information for all Events

  PERVASIVE 2004 Registration Office: (Registrations and bookings for
  accommodation in Vienna are handled by)
      NetHotels Vienna
      Neulinggasse 31, 1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA
      Phone +43 1 710 1919,
      Fax    +43 1 710 19 20
      http:   //
  Payment should be free of bank handling charges and should be submitted
  together with the completed registration form. The following forms of
  payment are accepted:
      Credit cards: Visa, EuroCard, MasterCard, American Express and Diners
      Bank Transfer: to Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, Vienna-Austria.
      Swift code: BKAUATWW. Account: 697250900;
      Routing Code: 12000 NetHotels Vienna-PERVASIVE 2004.
  For on-site payments, only cash or credit cards can be accepted.

  Student registrations

  Full time students are entitled to participate in the conference events at
  a reduced rate. A copy of the student identity card and a letter of
  confirmation from the supervisor are required as proof of eligibility.
  Students who are entitled to participate in the doctoral colloquium
  receive an additional 20 EUR discount when registering to the main
  conference (see rates listed on the right).

  Lunches and Coffee Breaks
  All registration fees include lunch and refreshments in the coffee break
  during the days of the respective events.

  Conference Dinner
  A ticket to the conference dinner is included for both regular as well as
  student registrations for the main conference. Additional tickets for
  accompanying persons can be ordered and paid in advance (see the
  registration form) or - based upon availability - purchased on site.
  Workshop or Colloquium only registrations do not include tickets to the
  conference dinner.

  Video Night
  A ticket to the reception at the video night is included for both regular
  as well as student registrations for the main conference. Additional
  tickets for accompanying persons can be ordered and paid in advance (see
  registration form) or - based upon availability - purchased on site.
  Workshop or Colloquium only registrations do not include tickets to the
  reception at the video night.

* PERVASIVE 2004 Doctoral Colloquium, April 18-19, Linz, University of Linz

  Registration Fees (in Euro, invited students only):

  colloquium only
      Early (until Feb 23):     135
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  160
      On Site (April 18,19):    200

  colloquium & conference
      Early (until Feb 23):     360
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  435
      On Site (April 18,19):    530

  The registration fees include attendance to all sessions on April 18 and
  19, a copy of the volume "Advances in Pervasive Computing" containing the
  doctoral colloquium papers and a DVD with Video and Hot Spot papers,
  lunches and refreshments in the coffee breaks on April 18 and 19, and
  a ticket for a reception on April 18.
  Note that only PhD students who have been selected to present their work
  at the doctoral colloquium are entitled to participate in the colloquium.
  The deadline for submission is Jan 19, notification of acceptance is
  February 16th 2004.
  For students who are also interested in participating in the main
  conference a special package is available at a reduced rate.

* PERVASIVE 2004 Workshops, April 20, Vienna, University of Vienna

  Registration Fees (in Euro)

      Early (until Feb 23):     145
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  195
      On Site (April 20):       225

      Early (until Feb 23):     95
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  145
      On Site (April 20):       175

  The registration fees include attendance to a selected workshop on April 
  20, lunches and refreshments in the coffee breaks on April 20.
  Please note that workshop participants are required to register for the
  main conference (either as regular or student participant if applicable)
  or for the doctoral colloquium plus conference package (if eligible, i.e.
  if a paper has been accepted at the doctoral colloquium for 
  A workshop only registration is not possible.

* PERVASIVE 2004 Main Conference, April 21-23, Vienna, Hofburg

  Registration Fees (in Euro)

      Early (until Feb 23):     490
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  590
      On Site (April 21 - 23):  710

      Early (until Feb 23):     245
      Late (Feb 24 - April 5):  295
      On Site (April 21 - 23):  335

  The registration fees include attendance to all sessions on April 21, 22,
  and 23, a copy of the conference proceedings, a copy of the volume
  "Advances in Pervasive Computing", a DVD with Video and Hot Spot papers,
  lunches and refreshments in the coffee breaks on April 21, 22, and 23,
  a ticket for the conference dinner on April 22 and a ticket for the
  reception and the video night on April 21.

* Additional Information

  For updated information about PERVASIVE 2004 please visit or send email to

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 05:37:55 UTC