2 October meeting minutes

jg Jon Gunderson
cl Cathy Laws
mm Matt May

Regrets: David Poehlman

18:05:39 <m3mSEA> jg We have to see whether there needs to be workshop 
for larger WAI issues.
18:05:59 <m3mSEA> jg I don't think we should move ahead on that until 
WAI decides.
18:06:21 <m3mSEA> jg WAI wouldn't have the resources to do both, and 
the outcome would directly affect our mission.
18:07:14 <m3mSEA> jg Charter: Judy thought we were making changes?
18:07:17 <m3mSEA> mm We're not.
18:07:27 <m3mSEA> jg As far as you're aware, it's ready?
18:07:29 <m3mSEA> mm Yes.
18:08:00 <m3mSEA> mm I'll update Judy.
18:09:20 <m3mSEA> jg Thoughts on a larger WAI workshop?
18:09:44 <m3mSEA> mm We discussed this in AU f2f accidentally. Some 
discussion about what elements should be central.
18:10:07 <m3mSEA> cl I think it's better if it's up at the WAI level.
18:11:06 <m3mSEA> mm Pervasive 2004 is coming up. Might be good to meet 
18:11:41 <m3mSEA> jg Would like to propose a half-day tutorial on UA 
accessibility for WWW2004. Could also do a half-day workshop.
18:13:39 <m3mSEA> cl Are you going to explain how to use the guidelines?
18:14:00 <m3mSEA> jg Some may have read through them and don't 
understand them. Like Web authors may have read WCAG, but don't get it 
18:14:04 <m3mSEA> cl Hands-on?
18:14:25 <m3mSEA> jg Could be. Could demonstrate current capabilities. 
Don't know what resources are available.
18:14:53 <m3mSEA> jg Would be using test suites and implementation 
reports to show what can be done better.
18:15:38 <m3mSEA> jg If we can make it interactive, that would help. A 
workshop would be a more open forum for developers who are interested 
in UAAG, have issues, complaints, etc.
18:16:05 <m3mSEA> jg Could direct it more towards where UAAG should be 
going (e.g. pervasive computing)
18:18:33 <m3mSEA> jg Test suite update: still don't have Colin Koteles 
on the payroll. Hopefully will get him in the next couple of weeks. 
He's addressing a number of comments from Cathy.
18:19:34 <m3mSEA> jg We should work with GW-Micro and Freedom 
Scientific to see how close they are to making a conformance claim.
18:20:53 <m3mSEA> mm Aaron Smith from GW-Micro... could follow up with 
18:21:12 <m3mSEA> jg Submitted something in June, we're late in 
18:21:20 <m3mSEA> cl Is FS doing this for JAWS 5?
18:21:28 <m3mSEA> jg David Poehlman was working on that.
18:22:42 <m3mSEA> jg Next meeting: 16 Oct

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 14:31:40 UTC