MINUTES: W3C User Agent Teleconference 28 August 2003

Harvey Bingham (HB)
Cathy Laws (CL)
Matt May (MM)
David Pohlman (DP)
Jon Gundeson (JG)
Jim Allan (JA)


MM: No new information

UA Workshop
JG: In the charter development we talked about a workshop
MM: We need to create a call for papers
HB: Analogy is to conjole some people to give presentations
Talk to comapnies that we want to participate
We could all benefit from the interaction
CL: When would it be
JG: Probably december or janauary, can be stand alone or part of something
HB: How about C-SUN
JG: Typically not good for developers
CL: ATIA might be another choice
JA: What about the WWW conference in NY in May
JG: What do we want people to talk about
MM: Call for papers should state our goals
HB: Speech control isssues
MM: XHTML 2.0 user agents
CL: MathML and other W3 Specifications like SVG, Voice XML and Speech
Sythnesis XML
JG: Quality assurance issues and accessibility
DP: Qaulity of implementation, somethings are not easy
CL: Quality of what?
CL: Testing for confromance to UAAG 1.0?
JG: Yes
DP: Concept of technology taking the implementation role, who is
complying, context senstive help attribute.  Been discussions on lists
about mainstream versus AT implementation ...
HB: Having various vendors contribute techniques?
JG: Probably not good at a workshop
HB: Ask them to contribute
CL: Device independence and interoperability
MM: There ia already a W3C working group on DI and Inter
CL: Joint meeting
HB: See if they have any meetings
CL: Scripting and event issues
JG: Pervasive computing technologies and accessibility
CL: There is a paper from IBM on this topic
HB: What ATIA contacts
MM: I am the W3C WAI contact for ATIA, they have a working group on
CL: IBM has a representation on ATIA group
JG: WOuld ATIA working group like to have a workshop?
MM: Maybe or some type of closed part of workshop
JG: Anyone interested in draft workshop?
Action JG: Draft proposed workshop announcement
JG: Any particular companies?
AT companies
Speech Works
Ion Systems (Web Eyes)
JG: Any other comments?
ACTION: Remove action item for HPR
DP: What about JAWS?
They are relaseing 5.0 soon
HB: You give them feedback, right?
ACTION: Could you ping them on 5.0
Next meeting: 18 September

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2003 14:49:37 UTC