[Minutes] 19 Dec 2002 UAWG teleconference (UAAG 1.0 to Rec!)

UAWG teleconference, 19 Dec 2002

Agenda announcement:

Participants: Jon Gunderson (Chair), Ian Jacobs (Scribe), Colin
Koteles, Jim Allan, Eric Hansen, David Poehlman, Tim Lacy,
Harvey Bingham, Rich Schwerdtfeger

Regrets: Matt May

Previous meeting: 14 Nov 2002

Next meeting: 16 January 2003, 2pm ET.

Next face-to-face Meeting: 6-7 March 2003 in Boston.
   JG: We expect to meet with the QAWG, the WAI EO WG, and
       maybe the HTML WG.

Reference document 17 Dec 2002 Recommendation

Discussion about UAAG 1.0 advancement to Recommendation

JG: UAAG 1.0 advanced to Recommendation! Thank you all
for your work and contributions!

IJ on materials published with the Recommendation and Note:

  * Press stuff
  * Record set of testimonials
  * FAQ
  * Errata
  * Translations
  * Conformance icons

JG: At face-to-face meeting in March we expect to talk

  a) Test suite work (with QAWG), including how to include
     UA tests in other people's test suites.

  b) With EO, talk about promotion of UAAG 1.0.

  c) With HTML WG, integration of UAAG 1.0 reqs into future
     XHTML specs (or references to UAAG 1.0 specs). (We wanted
     to do this with XForms WG but that didn't go very far
     when we tried.)

JG: Other topics:

  * Recruitment of new UAWG participants.
  * New directions for the UAWG:
    - Helping developers implement requirements.
    - New requirements for other user agents.

JA: I'm interested in test suites.

DP: I want to see progress on UAAG 2.0! Cover other
technologies. I'm also interested in test suites, but am
unfamiliar with those processes. I'm interested in continued
participation.  People come to me a lot and ask me what they
should expect from their browser. I'm glad to be part of all of
this. I'm also doing some work with WAI PF.

/* RS joins */
/* TL leaves? */

CK: I'm dedicated to continuing work on the test suites.
     I agree that we need to keep an eye on new technologies
     for UAAG 2.0.

[Discussion of non-W3C Technologies, and how WCAG WG expects
  been addressing this issue: to help companies develop
  guidelines for their technologies, and link to them on those
  companies' sites.]

RS: One problem with players is platform-dependent API set for
content delivery. Needs to be some work on interoperability.

[Some discussion of portable computing]

On communication with plugins, see the Component Extension (CX) API

 From the abstract:

   "The goal of this API is to extend the ability of a Web

EH: I've really enjoyed working on this project. I am uncertain
about my level of participation in the future, but might be able
to pop up from time to time, e.g., to help with editing.

RS: I will be getting more involved with WAI PF work. I think
that Cathy Laws will probably get more involved with the UAWG. At
IBM, I'll be looking at emerging technologies. We'll need to
address pervasive user agents.

HB: I'm glad we've reached this milestone. I'm looking forward to
seeing how broadly the document is accepted, and its effect on

DP: Yes, I'm interested in real-world deployment.

IJ: I will be reducing my involvement, and Matt May will be
picking up the reins. I'll be involved with error management. Not
sure about my participation in teleconfs, though I expect to
attend the face-to-face meeting in March.

JG: I'll continue as Chair for the time being. My primary
interest is implementation of UAAG 1.0 and supporting
implementations through test suites, implementation reports,
education and outreach opportunities. I think that the important
thing now is to see real deployment.

[Discussion of how to get new participants.]

HB: Talk to people who, in each company, is responsible for
implementation of the guidelines. Find out from them who is
working with UAAG 1.0.

JG: There are Netscape developers in China we need to reconnect
with; they are interested in tests.

[DAISY talking book of UAAG 1.0?]

DP: WAI EO might find useful an accessible (DAISY) player
rendering an accessible document.

HB: I sent the UAAG 1.0 press release around to the DAISY group.


Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)   http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2002 14:58:29 UTC