W3C Guide Line

I'm a TSA from RBC, I am responsible for making web pages at RBC accessible.
My question is If I follow the guidelines  from W3C at
http://www.w3.org/WAI/ <http://www.w3.org/WAI/> , 
does it make the application screen reader compliant?
Also, if the developers follow the W3C guidelines, do they still need to do
additional development to make it
JAWS accessible?
We are using JAWS 3.7 at Royal Bank of Canada.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Toan Tran
Technical System Analyst
Architecture Support - IT Architecture
Tel: (416)348-4005  Fax: (416)348-2613
Email:  <mailto:toan.tran@rbc.com> toan.tran@rbc.com 


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