Re: Table AXIS attribute

At 10:33 AM 2002-07-18, Harvey Bingham wrote:

The test is just wrong.  The 'axis' attribute has no function that pertains to 
the UAAG 1.0 checkpoint cited.  Associations between headers and their associated
cells are formed by 
- the 'headers' attribute
- the 'scope' attribute
- position of a header ahead of another cell in the reading order of a row or column

That's all.

The 'axis' attribute associates cells with not-a-cell abstract notions.  It should not
be considered as a way to satisfy UAAG 1.0.

Please read the full text of

 associating header information with

 categorizing cells

Which makes this clear.  The first citation is what 10.1 is about as far as HTML is 
concerned.  The 'axis' attribute is not mentioned until the following section.


See also:
 Accessible HTML Tables

 Accessible TABLEs from W3C/WAI (FedStats pitch)

There was also an excellent presentation from Ken Nakata at this workshop, 
but I haven't seen that is it available on the Web yet.

 FedStats 508/Accessibility Workshop

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 15:39:10 UTC