SUmmary of Resolutions from 18 teleconference

The following is my summary of the UAAG teleconference on the 18th.  Please 
let me know if people have a different view of my conclusions or additional 


1. Resolved
There will be two boolean tests available on a node for event 
handlers.  One to test if a node will respond to a particular event (node 
is in the event path) and one to test if the event handler is actually on 
this specific node.

Action DOM: DOM working group will return with the specifications for UAAG 

2. There is a proposal from Ray for getting a list of event listeners and 
descriptions from the DOM.

Action DOM: DOM working group will return with specifications for UAAG review
Action UAAG/PF: Review Rays's draft for possible usage problems by AT

3. HTML working group with PF needs to continue wouking on:
a. Device independent event mapping
b. A means to define and associate descriptions of events with event 
handlers (see proposal by Ray in 2).

Action: HTML and PF

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 14:51:32 UTC