Re: Editorial nits in UAAG10

-- resend of emessage composed on 12 march 2001 --

aloha, ian! 

Ian Jacobs wrote, in response to harvey's request: 

>> 7. I'd like "return to Table of Contents" internal links within
>> the document, at the end of each section.
> We used to have those, then got rid of them. I was told
> (perhaps by Gregory and/or Charles and/or Daniel?) that 
> they weren't that useful in practice. They were used in WCAG 1.0
> and I've never heard any positive feedback about them.

i nagged you to insert them into UAAG, but at the _end_ of each section,
not at the beginning as they were (once) implemented...  the reason they
weren't practical was that, being placed at the beginning, they were one of
the first things that one saw/heard/felt when one jumped directly to a
Guideline, rather than providing the reader with the opportunity to do
something (back one guideline, forward to next guideline, return to Table
of contents) when he or she had finished perusing the document...  that
was the only basis of my complaint--that the enhanced navigational
features had been improperly implemented, _NOT_ that they weren't useful, 
as i find such supplemental/recurring navigational functionality a great
aid in efficaciously traversing a large hypertext document--and UAAG
definitely qualifies as a "large hypertext document"

moreover, although the table of content can ostensively be accessed via
the accesskey associated with it (in this instance, the character "c"),
accesskey (as we all well know) isn't very widely supported, and where it
is supported, it doesn't always work as intended (nor consistently between
releases)...  hyperlinks, however, are--at least the last time i
checked--are pretty ubiquitously supported, which is another compelling
reason to restore the "previous guideline", "table of contents", and "next
guideline" links...

thanks for the catch, harvey--i've been relying on the plain text version
of UAAG for the past several months for a variety of reasons, and i'm glad
someone else noticed the document's need for enhanced navigational aids...


ABSURDITY, n.  A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's
own opinion.                -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devils' Dictionary_
              Gregory J. Rosmaita,
      Camera Obscura:
   Read 'Em & Speak:

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2001 17:12:21 UTC