Re: Proposal: Checkpoint 2.2: Move information about textformats from Note to checkpoint

Harvey Bingham wrote (about the text formats definition of checkpoint
> I like the idea. Is it too open-ended? Some SGML applications may be
> problematic: they may use exotic features of SGML that few systems
> can support.
> That ",etc." can let in a bag of worms.

The "etc." is only part of the list of examples, so I don't
think it's the culprit. Perhaps it's the "all" in
"all SGML and XML applications regardless of Internet Media Type."

> The following may claim
> to have XML-based "save-as" even though they may include proprietary
> content. A Note should mention that properly left out are
> proprietary extensions and formats like Adobe.pdf, MSWord.doc,
> WordPerfect.wpd, etc.]

Is "proprietary" really the distinguishing factor? I don't mind
that PostScript is proprietary since the format is open. Is there
a technical characteristic (or more than one) to these formats
that we can/should point to?

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 19 March 2001 12:21:02 UTC