Re: [Clarification] "Single key means single physical key"

Al Gilman wrote:
> Let't go for actual draft replacement language and see if that passes muster.
> This was a little impressionistic.

NOTE: In this checkpoint, the term "key" refers to a physical key of
the input device.

For reference, here is the checkpoint:

11.3 Allow the user to override any binding that is part
     of the user agent default input configuration. 
     Allow the user to override any binding in the default 
     keyboard configuration with a binding of a single key 
     and (possibly zero) modifier keys. Allow the user to assign a
     single key binding (with zero modifier keys) to at least 
     a majority of the functionalities available in the default 
     keyboard configuration. The user agent is not required to 
     allow the user to override standard bindings for the 
     operating environment (e.g., for access to help).

Al Gilman wrote:

> On the other hand, the requirement of "at least a majority" of the default key
> bindings would seem to be infeasible in many situations.  The group should
> reconsider this language.  If the default key binding defines a full set of
> single-key plus two full layers of modified-key bindings, then there is _no
> way_ to reduce a majority of the actions defined [in the default key binding]
> to single-key bindings.  Never mind if there is a one-hand, large-key, or
> twelve-key device in use.  You just can't get there from here.
> What were we thinking?

The goal was to have a lot of single key activations. We were seeking
something better than "a lot of".

Suggestions welcome,

 _ Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 12 March 2001 15:31:04 UTC