Re: Split UAAG 1.0 and Techniques into smaller documents?

Actually I think it is a fine idea.

I agree that it isn't a high priority, but I suspect itonly takes a few
minutes to do.


On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Ian Jacobs wrote:

  Hi folks,

  I probably shouldn't do this, but I am curious to know whether
  people think we should break UAAG 1.0 and the Techniques
  documents into smaller chunks. UAAG 1.0 (not including
  the appendixes) is 322k. The Techniques Document is 533k.
  These are both on the long side.

  It would be possible (though I haven't tried it yet to see
  what kind of effort is required) to split the document(s)
  into smaller pieces. We would also provide a link at
  the top to a single source HTML version (essentially,
  what people get today).

  The W3C Process Document [1] has been organized this way.
  Essentially, you only get the table of contents on the first
  page (in the Process Document case, that's only 18k).

  In the UAAG 1.0 case, it makes sense to split the
  document into the following pieces:

   a) Front page
   b) Introduction
   c) Guidelines
   d) Conformance
   e) Glossary
   f) References
   g) Acknowledgments

  For instance, the Guidelines section (the longest) would only
  be approximately 162k. The appendixes (checklists and summary)
  would still have their own URIs (but are considered part of
  the document package).

  The navigation mechanisms of the Process Document are pretty
  straightforward: you have next/previous/contents links
  at the top of each section.

  Obviously, this doesn't change the substance of the document,
  but it may be worth exploring. Your comments welcome,

   - Ian


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Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 07:24:16 UTC