Comment on 3.3 animated text

Checkpoint 3.3 Allow the user to configure the user agent to render
animated or blinking text as motionless text. P1.

Further clarification is needed.

1.  BLINK, MARQUEE, and the 'blink' value of the 'text-decoration' property
in CSS are clear.

2.  A clarification needs to be added on how the UA, if it can, support the
configuration of turning off animated text that is directed to the UA
status line via scripts.  Today there may not be enough semantic
information to understand if the text being sent to the status is in fact
"animated" text.

3.  There may not be enough semantic information in scripts, applets, and
plug-ins to allow the UA to know if or when to turn off animation.

4.  Additional rational may need to be added that clarifies the need to
allow animated and blinking text and images to notify deaf and hard of
hearing users of information - hence the option to configure it on or off.
[applicable to 3.4 also]

5.  The default recommendation should also be mentioned in the technique,
which should be "on", since that is what was originally intended by the
author. [applicable to 3.4 also].

6. Is there a know implementation?

Phill Jenkins
IBM Research Division - Accessibility Center

Received on Monday, 13 November 2000 21:53:48 UTC