Re: [last call, S2] navigation P1?

At 11:23 AM 2000-11-13 -0500, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Al Gilman wrote:
>> The definition and use of priorities in this document is not consistent
>> their use in WCAG 1.0.
>Nor are the definitions in ATAG 1.0 the same as those in WCAG 1.0
> [Priority 1] If the checkpoint is essential to meeting the goals. 
> [Priority 2] If the checkpoint is important to meeting the goals. 
> [Priority 3] If the checkpoint is beneficial to meeting the goals. 
>> For example, checkpoint 7.3 does not meet WCAG standards for Priority 1,
>> but is
>> rather in WCAG terms a Priority 2 (document effectively useless, not
>> completely
>> unusable).
>I disagree: if you can't navigate to the active elements, how do you
>activate them? That makes it P1.


Streaming play.  Check out pwWebSpeak.  If you just play the page through, the
focus auto tracks to the closest active element in the recent past of the play
stream.  You can activate an element any time from [when you have entered it?]
to when you have passed it but are still within a given finite grace period.

This is just "access to all content" and "provide activation methods
with recognized active content."   It does not require any navigation at all.

In other words, isolating the focus so that activation affects a given link
under certain conditions is a P1.  But navigation is not.  Navigation is an
optimization that affects the efficiency of use.  It is very important.  It is
not WCAG.P1.  "Play it to me" is the most fundamental mode in audio access,
Navigation is a more exotic, less essential, mode of relating to the content. 
Ask Lloyd Rasmussen for more info on this point.  Lots of talking book
customers just pop it in and play it.  Navigation is mode #2.

You don't have to recognize the 'active elements' as elements to activate
just recognize by the LINK pronounced before them that there is an activation
opportunity.  One doesn't need to know the end of the LINK nor dwell on the
link in order to meet P1 levels of functionality (and above).

This reveals that I have not been regarding streaming play as 'navigation,'
although it does continuously move through the [default tour of] the
content of
the document.  I may need to adjust my bin structure on this, but we should
cover it in writing if this is the fix.

One resolution is to clearly state that continuous play is one of the
navigation methods which may be used to meet this requirement.

The traceback of the logic is sorta like:

The user must have access to activating any method associated with any active

If activating the method is dependent on having the focus, then there must
be a
way to get focus to each such element.

Navigation is a technique for getting the focus to the element.  It is not
necessarily the only way.

The abstract requirement is that the user must be able to discover, isolate
[focus] and activate any method of active element.  This can happen in an
abstract point-set sense, without any required reference to any more
topology or navigation with respect to that structure.

This is related to a comment I failed to write that "The P1 requirement for
content search is to search all content.  It does not involve any concept of
'forward,' 'backward,' or 'starting at' in its minimal form." 

Received on Monday, 13 November 2000 12:50:45 UTC